Today is ACP Sunday. ACP Team is grateful for all your contributions to the project. We encourage you to continue to: Pray, Participate, Provide and (mobilise) Partners for this great work as you honour God. A) Financial Status: ACP Summary of collections for August 2019 A) Financial Status – Phase II Project cost: UGX 7,123,484,957[…]
Praise the Lord Friends, Last Sunday we continued with a topic Giving as Mission, and a sub-topic: “I will open for you the windows of heaven” [Mal 3:10]. In God’s word, everything is possible. There are no regulators that limit the overflow in our lives. The idea of windows of heaven opening also refers to[…]
This is our compassion month where we are compelled to walk with those in pain or suffering. We identify with the hungry, the sick, the elderly, the weak and those who are desperate especially with chronic illnesses, stress and depression. When we talk about a caring Jesus, we are faced with the question, how could[…]
Text: Psalm 146:1-10 If humans are not trustworthy, then why do we always seem to place such a heavy trust in government? This is because we want to have a physical material reason for the success of our communities. But our praise that we present to God is for His justice in spite of human[…]
Text: Psalm 145:1-21 People enjoy saying that God is great. It is indeed a wonderful statement; but do you realise what you are saying? No one can truly comprehend how great God is; but He wants you and I to praise Him for the greatness that we understand now. After our generation has finished our[…]
Text: Psalm144:1-15 When the Father calls us into His service, He invites us to fight battles together with Him. Yes, it is His power; and of course, He receives the glory. But He prepares us for war, and asks us to be brave and stand up for what is right. While in the fight, one[…]
Text: Psalm 143:1-12 Our pride causes us to be blind to the fact that all human beings are the same. The ugly truth is that “no one living is righteous” before God. When is the pride and blindness removed? When we are under the pressures of the world and we realise how much we need[…]
Text: Psalm 142:1-7 “Sibyangu!” Life is certainly not easy. If we know this to be true, then why are we often “fake” or “plastic” as if we never have discouragements? But this is not an honest and true spiritual life, for we do have discouragements and deep disappointments. And our loving Lord knows this. It[…]
Text:Psalm141:1-10 Who holds you accountable? If you are growing in Christ, then you need good faithful friends who will hold you accountable. Why? As David is seeking the Lord, he knows that he needs help in doing what is right with his mouth and with his hands. In order for the Lord to set a[…]
Text: Psalm 140:1-13 Many have lost their faith because evil often seems to win. We all want justice, and we want it NOW. But these challenges of violence and evil are used for a holy purpose in the life of a believer. Our crises cause us to cry out to God for help and protection.[…]