Text: Psalm 142:1-7
“Sibyangu!” Life is certainly not easy. If we know this to be true, then why are we often “fake” or “plastic” as if we never have discouragements? But this is not an honest and true spiritual life, for we do have discouragements and deep disappointments. And our loving Lord knows this. It is to our own harm and hurt that we would not present this to Him for comfort, instruction, and healing. This Psalm was written when David was hiding in a cave from King Saul, as we read earlier in these Devotions (see 1 Sam. 24.1-22). Yes, a brave godly warrior, who was desperate for encouragement, protection, and hope. He sought out the one true source of perspective and rescue, and he was not afraid to show his emotions and his weakness before his Father. Our prayers are not powerful when they sound educated and have proper grammar; they are powerful because a Great Power is listening to the sincere honest desires of our hearts. Be transparent and open with God! He welcomes you just as you are with all of your emotions.

Meditate on verse 5. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Our Father in heaven and Mighty Protector, I confirm in prayer that You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living. In the Mighty Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ I have prayed this. Amen.

