Text: Psalm 117: 1-2 This is a special Psalm with three unique features: it is the shortest Psalm in the Bible, it is the shortest chapter and it is the middle chapter of the Bible. It is a promise Psalm calling all peoples to praise God (v. 1). The Psalm uniquely calls on all Gentiles[…]
Text: Psalm 116: 1-19 In this Psalm the Psalmist is thanking God for delivering him from trouble. We see the reason why the Psalmist was thanking God (vv. 1-7), he was very sick and was healed (v. 3). We also ought to live a life of gratitude to God (vv. 8-16). In his gratitude he[…]
Text: Psalm 115:1-18 This Psalm was sung after Israel had returned from captivity. It was first sung on the day they dedicated the second temple (cf Ezra 6:16). To appreciate the trustworthiness of God as per this Psalm, we must embrace these three things: First, we should appreciate that our God is quite different (vv.[…]
Text: Psalm 114:1-8 This Psalm is one of those that are related to the Exodus (Exod. 12-14). The Psalm demonstrates God’s response to His nation, Israel, in Egypt in a way to fulfill His promise to Abraham (Gen. 28:13-17). The Psalm brings out two issues; first, God who did wonders in the past (vv. 1-6)[…]
Praise the Lord Brethren! The previous Sunday Rev. Paulson Tumutegyereize preached to the three [3] ASC congregations on the Topic: An Idolatrous Generation drawing Biblical references from Ezekiel 14:1-11 and Matthew 16:1-4. He first and foremost reminded the Parishioners of our Motto as nation; – For God and My Country. As Christians today, are we[…]
When God called the children of Israel from slavery to the Promised Land, he expected them to appreciate and maintain a father son relationship. Consequences started coming when they consistently became disobedient and rebelled against God. In Isaiah 1:2, God complained “I reared the children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against me…”.[…]
Text: Psalm 112: 1-10 This Psalm teaches two main areas: First, the character of the godly (vv.1-5). That the godly fear the Lord (v. 1) and delight in Him. They have righteousness, not of their own but of Jesus Christ, therefore they fellowship with God (v. 3). The godly are compassionate (v. 4b) and generous[…]
Text: Psalm 111:1-10 It is important to note that this Psalm glorifies the Lord because of His works and character (vv. 1-9a). Let us praise God because of His creation. The formation of nature should compel you to praise God (v.2). We should also praise God because of His character (vv.2-3). He is glorious, Majestic,[…]
Text: Psalm 110:1-7 This Psalm together with Psalm 118 is the most quoted Psalm in the New Testament. It also holds most exalted prophecies of the Bible portraying Jesus Christ as the King (vv.1-3), especially when it says “My Lord” in verse 1. It also portrays Jesus Christ as a Priest (v.4), ”…You are a[…]
Text: Psalm 110:1-7 This Psalm together with Psalm 118 is the most quoted Psalm in the New Testament. It also holds most exalted prophecies of the Bible portraying Jesus Christ as the King (vv.1-3), especially when it says “My Lord” in verse 1. It also portrays Jesus Christ as a Priest (v.4), ”…You are a[…]