Text: 1 Samuel 27:1-12 By the end of Chapter 26, it seemed that King Saul would leave David in peace. But David knew his life was still in danger. So he dwelt among the enemy (they thought the people of Israel hated David, v.12). David pretended to serve the Philistines, pretended to attack Israel, but[…]

Text: 1 Samuel 26:1-25 Even though King Saul sounded sorrowful in Chapter 24, he was not genuinely repentant. In this Chapter we read of how the King again hunted for David. While Saul and all his army were asleep, David managed to get so close to him that he could have killed him. However, as[…]

Text: 1 Samuel 25:1-44 The Chapter begins by quietly informing us that Samuel died and was buried, and this ended the era of Judges. Israel is now a monarchy. The story then moves immediately to David’s request to Nabal for some food, which is a fine request. David was not a criminal, who would kill[…]

Text: 1 Samuel 24:1-22 King Saul continued to hunt David down; this drove David deeper into the hills of the wilderness. David and his men were hiding in a cave; Saul entered the same cave to relieve himself and David could have killed him, as his men had encouraged him to do so. But he[…]

Text: 1 Samuel 23:1-29 The Philistines attacked the town of Keilah; so David and his men went and rescued the city. When King Saul heard that David was there, Saul made plans to capture him there. God told David that the men of the city would not protect him from Saul. When David learnt of[…]

Text: 1 Samuel 22:1-23 King Saul was becoming more and more bitter and paranoid about anything that was God-ward. In his hunt for David (God’s next anointed king) Saul learned that David was assisted by priests (the servants of God’s worship). So Saul sent for those priests from the town of Nob. The priests tried[…]

Text: 1 Samuel 21:1-15 David is fleeing King Saul, who is trying to kill him. He arrived in the town of Nob, where many priests were staying (22:18). David was hungry and asked for bread. The only bread available was holy bread used in the tabernacle worship, the symbol of God’s provision, and only the[…]

Text: 1 Samuel 20:1-42 Because Jonathan loved David, he tried to protect him (David). In this Chapter, we read how Jonathan planned to learn of Saul’s unjust desire to kill David and then provide a signal for him to escape. King Saul was so hateful of David that he even tried to kill his own[…]

Text: 1 Samuel 19:1-24 In 18:29, we learn that David became Saul’s perpetual enemy, not because David was evil but because Saul was envious and hateful. Although Jonathan was always trying to defend David and prove to Saul that David was a faithful servant, the King raged against David. Saul even deployed spies to assist[…]

Text: 1 Samuel 18:1-30 After David’s defeat of Goliath, King Saul spoke to him. At that point Jonathan loved David as he loved himself. The two men made a covenant with each other, a relationship of union (please do not think it meant homosexuality), which included kindness to each other’s descendants (cf. 20:42). Jonathan gave[…]