Text: 1 Samuel 25:1-44
The Chapter begins by quietly informing us that Samuel died and was buried, and this ended the era of Judges. Israel is now a monarchy. The story then moves immediately to David’s request to Nabal for some food, which is a fine request.
David was not a criminal, who would kill and steal. However, the ungodly Nabal foolishly refuses; so David moves in for vengeance. That was bad and ungodly.

When Nabal’s wife, Abigail, hears of this, she quickly prepares lots of food. She delivered the food personally, bowed before David and begged for forgiveness, which pacified David. Slaughter was averted by Abigail’s wisdom. When Nabal hears of it, he has a heart attack, and 10 days later Yahweh struck the man dead.
In the previous Chapter, David would not take the King’s life, when it would have been so easy to do it. Rather, he waited for God’s timing. In this Chapter, David was vengeful. It was Abigail who “waited”, and God did bring revenge at His right time. As Jesus waited upon His Father for all things, so must we. We do not have the wisdom or foresight necessary to act on our own destiny. Wait upon God, and He will do what is right when it is right to do so.

Meditate on verses 18-19. What is God teaching you in these verses?

Almighty and everlasting Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for wisdom to always respond appropriately as per Your Word, to every situation in my life and not take matters in my own hands; but await Your intervention according to Your will, timing and purpose. Amen.

