Text: 1 Samuel 23:1-29
The Philistines attacked the town of Keilah; so David and his men went and rescued the city. When King Saul heard that David was there, Saul made plans to capture him there. God told David that the men of the city would not protect him from Saul. When David learnt of these things, he fled towards the hills.

Saul was getting close to capturing him, he was even on the other side of the same mountain. But Saul heard that the Philistines were now attacking another place. It was not luck, it was God’s intervention to protect David.

In this world there are troubles of many kinds, including betrayal. Jesus came to His own people to bring them salvation, but they would not receive Him (John1:11). One of His own disciples, who was with Him for three years, Judas, also betrayed Him. In fact, he was the tool God used to bring Jesus to the cross. God will protect His people, even as He protected David. You cannot be harmed until God determines that your time on earth is finished. Do not fear.

Meditate on verse 27-28. What is God teaching you in these verses?
Our Rock and heavenly Father, I pray that Your presence in us, through the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit, destroys all Satan’s tools for attacks against Your Church. Our Lord and Master confuse the program of the enemy, I pray; and render Your people victorious, O Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

