Text: Luke 10: 1-42. In this passage, we see Jesus teaching people why it is important to know Him as He is: He is the only means of knowing God (v.22) and the only means of gaining eternal life (vv. 23-42). On the other hand, rejecting Him leads to condemnation (vv. 13-16). So, knowing Jesus personally is the[…]
Text: Luke: 9: 1-62. This chapter comes to a major turning point in verses 18-22 as Peter confesses Jesus as the Christ and as Jesus moves to Jerusalem to suffer and accomplish what He came to do on earth (vv. 50-51). Before these verses, the Gospel story shows how Jesus is still beyond everyone’s comprehension although people continue to[…]
Text: Luke 8: 1-56. This passage continues with the themes of the Person of Jesus Christ and the response of faith that Jesus is seeking, that is, a faith built on a correct understanding of Jesus Christ in contrast to the response of rejection that has predominated the Gospel story of Luke so far. As you study this[…]
Text: Luke 7: 1-50. As we study this passage, we shall notice that Jesus’ self-revelation and how people respond to that revelation are inseparably bound together. So far, the main high points of the message center around who Jesus is, what Jesus has come to do and how people respond to Jesus. Although there are many different responses to[…]
Text: Luke 6: 1-49. In this text, we see Jesus continuing to explicitly and openly describe a distinct way for His true followers that marks them out as children of God who reflect the true character of God to the world as opposed to the out-ward observance of the law. From among the people in general, Jesus is[…]
Text: Luke 5: 1-39. The Jews have, until this point in St. Luke’s Gospel, had the honour of being called God’s people. However, if they will not accept that their religion should focus on God’s own Son who has the authority to forgive sins, then they are not God’s true people. Jesus, therefore, begins to redefine who God’s[…]
Text: Luke 4: 1-44. In this chapter, we see the early stages of Jesus’ ministry, and how He avoids the kind of end-justifies-the-means thinking as He resisted Satan on three occasions and consciously choosing to follow the Will of His Father, God, down the hard road of His ministry (vv. 1-13). His refusal to be derailed from focusing on[…]
Text: Luke 3: 1-38. In this passage, we see how the ministry of John the Baptist pointed the way to Jesus (vv. 1-20), Jesus’ baptism as an endorsement to His Sonship and John’s ministry (v. 21-22) and how Jesus’ roots stretch back to Adam, a figure through whom all humanity is connected (vv. 23-38). Both the message and actions[…]
Text: Luke 2: 1-52. The birth of the promised Messiah is portrayed in this passage with a simplicity that belies the event’s universal significance. From this simple setting, emerges the Lord Jesus: the person for whom John the Baptist was to prepare the way (cf. 1: 76-77), the focus of all God’s promises and of all[…]
Text: Luke 1: 1-80. In this passage, the Gospel story begins by recounting visits of the angel Gabriel to announce the births of John the Baptist (1: 5-25) and Jesus, the promised Messiah (1: 26-38). These two key players in God’s plan of salvation are placed side by side to show how they were the fulfillment of the final[…]