TEXT: NEHEMIAH 1:1-11The name “Nehemiah”, means “Comforted by God”. Nehemiah was distressed when he heard that his people living in Jerusalem were in distress (v.4). He quickly asked God how he could help. He confessed the sin of his people (v.6). Nehemiah is a hero in the sense that he trusted God in a radical[…]

TEXT: 2 SAMUEL 12:1-15The name “Nathan”, means “Gift of God”. Prophet Nathan is a hero, for he wisely and boldly confronted King David after he had fallen into sin of adultery and murder (vv.7-9). Immediately, David repented (v.13).Repentance is key for every Christian! And God is willing to forgive every sin that is repented of[…]

TEXT: 1 SAMUEL 13:8-23The name “David”, means “beloved”. King David was humble (Psalm 62:9); he revered God (Psalm 18:3); he trusted God (Psalm 27:1); he was faithful (Psalm 23:6) he was repentant (Psalm 25:11) and was called a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14), mainly because in all his short comings, he never[…]

ACP Update For Sunday 12th June, 2022

The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project. Over the last twoyears we were able to continue with works (in Lots) under Phase 3 despite the challenges arising from the COVID-19 Pandemic. We made significant progress on wall finishes (plastering) and external works for storm water drainage, paving,[…]

The Work Of The Holy Spirit

The best way a family can function well is when the father, mother and children are working together. Their functions are interrelated, there is growth and development, happiness and peace and decisions are made without any conflict because the father and mother are one and the child only comes as a result of two parents[…]

TEXT: 1 SAMUEL 3:1-21The name “Samuel”, means “God has heard”. Samuel was a prophet andhe acted as a bridge linking the patriarchs, judges and Kings. The Lordcould communicate with Samuel which is a sign of favour from the Lord(v.1). Samuel began his ministry at a time when the Word of the Lord was rare (v.1),[…]

TEXT: RUTH 1:1-22The name, “Ruth” means “friend”. She was loyal to her mother-in-law(v.16). She was a woman of integrity. She was a faithful and hardworking lady. Ruth was a Moabite who married an Israelite. By the grace of God, she became one of the four women mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. Ruth is[…]

TEXT: JUDGES 6:11-27The name “Gideon” is a Hebrew name, meaning “great destroyer”.Gideon was at first reluctant; but was a warrior that feared the Lord (vv.15-27). He honoured God by destroying the evil altar of his father and the community around (v.27). He obeyed God to use three hundred men to defeat the enemies of Israel[…]

Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. For the past two weeks we have been trying to understand the whole idea of discpleship and our need for obidience as we follow Chrisit. Today our Topic, “The World; an Enemy of Disciples.” comes in with the Revelation that can elevate us[…]


The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project. Over the last two years we were able to continue with works (in Lots) under Phase 3 despite the challenges arising from the COVID-19 Pandemic. We made significant progress on wall finishes (plastering) and external works for storm water drainage, paving, boundary fencing and gates,[…]