TEXT: 1 SAMUEL 13:8-23
The name “David”, means “beloved”. King David was humble (Psalm 62:9); he revered God (Psalm 18:3); he trusted God (Psalm 27:1); he was faithful (Psalm 23:6) he was repentant (Psalm 25:11) and was called a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14), mainly because in all his short comings, he never worshiped idols, he worshiped only God. This makes King David a hero.

David was pointing to the Messiah, Jesus Christ, our Perfect Hero, who had no sin and never sinned (Heb.4:15). Jesus Christ worshiped only His Father, and never did anything of His own, but what the Father was doing (John 5:19). We are also called to do the will of God. We can do this if Christ is in our lives.

Meditate on verse 14. How are you going to respond to it?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me worship only You! Amen

