Text: Genesis 39:1-23. Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, and he was purchased by an Egyptian officer. Joseph proved himself to be hard working and honest, so his master entrusted everything into his care. When the master’s wife tried to get Joseph to have sex with her, he ran. She accused him of attempted rape, and Joseph[…]
Text: Genesis 38:1-30. The story of Joseph is necessarily interrupted. Let’s notice first that Judah has married a woman of Canaan, which is forbidden for the covenant people. You will have to read the story, but at one point, Judah then had sex with his daughter-in-law. Is she also a Canaanite? – perhaps. But it does appear that[…]
Text: Genesis 37:1-36. The focus of the story now turns to Joseph, whose mother was Rachel. Because of the heavy emphasis on Joseph, it might seem that the covenant promises go through him, but that blessing will go to Judah (a great grand-father of Jesus). For now, we see God using Joseph, and his brothers’ hatred for[…]
Text: Genesis 36:1-43. As we look back at the genealogies listed in the book of Genesis, we see two lines. The first, and most important, is the lineage of God’s Holy seed, which comes from Abel and Seth down to Jesus Christ. The second line is the descendants of the evil one, those who do not belong[…]
Text: Genesis 35:1-29. When Jacob first ran away from his home (chapter 28), Yahweh met him in a dream and gave him the promises of his fathers. More than 20 years later God brings Jacob back to the same village of the first visit, Bethel, and renewed the covenant. God also changed his name from Jacob (deceiver) to Israel[…]
Text: Genesis 34:1-31. Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and Leah is raped by Shechem, a man who dwells in the land of God’s covenant. Shechem desires to marry Dinah, so Simeon and Levi, both sons of Jacob and Leah, deceive the man and his townsmen into joining the covenant, if all the males will receive the covenant sign of[…]
Text: Genesis 33:1-20. Jacob’s fears about Esau were pacified, because Esau received him favorably (v11). However, Esau’s true character is revealed, again, in this meeting. The reason for Esau’s anger is still there (Jacob’s deception), but now that Esau has all he desires, he has no interest in regaining the blessings that were “taken” from him. It should[…]
Text: Genesis 32:1-32. Jacob is about to be re-united with his brother, Esau, whom he hadn’t seen in 20 years. When Jacob left home, Esau wanted to kill Jacob (27:41), so Jacob fears for his life and the lives of his family. He sends them all ahead, with gifts, intending to pacify Esau before the meeting. Perhaps Jacob intended[…]
Text: Genesis 31:1-55. For twenty years Jacob dwelt with Laban in Abrahams’ original country in Mesopotamia. Much of those years were filled with frustration, and being cheated and harassed by his in-laws. But God kept Jacob safe and prospered him using that period to change him from a self-reliant deceiver into a man who must rely entirely upon God.[…]
Text: Genesis 30:1-43. When studying the genealogy of Jesus Christ, as found in the gospel according to Matthew, it is clear that God uses human weakness to accomplish His purposes in redemption. That is what we see in Genesis 30. Jacob the deceiver, having been deceived, has two wives (polygamy), sisters who rival each other for Jacobs affection,[…]