Text: Romans 12:1-21. “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith,” verse 6 [NKJV]. Here the word “Prophecy” means, speaking forth and it does not necessarily include the prediction of the future or other super natural aspects as all today’s[…]

Anglican leaders have continued to pay tribute to evangelist Billy Graham, who died yesterday (Wednesday) at the age of 99. Amongst them, the Presiding Bishop of the US-based Episcopal Church, Michael Curry, alluded to the imagery of the Big Tent that Graham’s early rallies were held in; and said that this reflected Graham’s approach, which[…]

Text: Romans 11:1-36. “Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace,” verse 5 [NKJV]. Although the nation of Israel had rejected Jesus Christ, many of the Jews had received and believed in Him [Acts 2:41, 4:4]. One may attempt to think that there is no genuine Christian in Uganda because[…]

Text: Romans 10:1-21. “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved,” verse 9 [NKJV]. To confess the Lord Jesus Christ is not a mere acknowledgement that He is the Son of God and Lord of the universe, because even[…]

Text: Romans 9:1-32. “Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and who He wills He hardens,” verse 18 [NKJV]. By God ‘hardening’ some one’s heart like He did to Pharaoh does not mean that God actively created some evil in Pharaoh’s heart, rather it means that God withdrew all divine influences that would ordinarily act as restraint to[…]

Text: Romans 8:1-39. “Yet in all these things…”verse 37 [NKJV]. Which things? These are: tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, the devil or the sword [verse 35]. “…we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” verse 37 [NKJV]. Look at the things that give you stress: Marriage and family matters, job, politics, neighbours, poor health, finances etc. The Bible[…]

Text: Romans 7:1-25. “For I know that in me [that is, in my flesh] nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find” verse 18 [NKJV]. For the Christian, the flesh acts as a launching pad from which sin operates due to its nature. At present[…]

The topic for 18th Sunday this month was repentance following the series where we learnt what sin is and what it is  not. The preacher,  Dr Amanda Mujunga. Taught on this and made us understand that the difference between Christians and pagans is that we have power over sin.  I learnt that repentance is the ability[…]

It is the desire of God for the family to blossom. The call to repentance therefore comes in a context of God grooming marriages and the family to walk in God’s ways. The Bible commands repentance. It is turning towards God by turning away from your ways. In (Ezek.14:6) the Prophet calls people to turn from their idols and[…]

Praise God Brethren! We were blessed to host the Rtd. Rt. Rev Henry Luke Orombi who preached to the two [2] congregations on the Sub Topic The Tyranny of Sin basing on Gen 3:13-19 and Matthew 27:1-5. The Bishop pointed out the destructive impact and effect of sin to the human family. He reminded the congregations that Adam[…]