Source: The Rev. Canon Michael Lubowa  has been elected the next Bishop of Central Buganda Diocese. He will be consecrated and enthroned as Bishop on 29th January 2017 at St. John’s Cathedral, Kasaka, Gomba-Mpigi. Canon Lubowa is the third born of eleven children of retired Bishop George and Edith Sinabulya, the first Bishop of Central[…]

Home Cell Guide _ 28th August 2016

Growth and organization of the Church Last Sunday we reflected on growth of the Church. From the day of Pentecost the Church grew! (Acts 2) the Lord poured out the Holy Spirit and 3,000 people accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. In Acts 2:37 “What shall we do to be saved”? This means that the growth[…]

ACP Update (28th August 2016)

We launched Gideon II in January 2016 with a target of raising UGX 1 Billion for phase 2 of the Cathedral Building. This amount has been realized. The battle and the glory of this achievement belongs to God and we heartily thank everybody who prayed, encouraged others and contributed the money that has made this[…]


It is surprising, and sometimes puzzling to Church leaders, that the New Testament nowhere provides a definitive description of the Church. Rather, the Bible speaks profusely on the nature and mission of the Church but always in models and illustrations, never in straightforward definitions. The clearest understanding can be gained from three primary images that[…]

We at ACP extend our heartfelt gratitude for every contribution and prayers you have made towards the building of the Sanctuary of God. Last week, there were tremendous testimonies shared about giving. On Monday 15th August 2016, we banked UGX 50,880,000 and US$ 215. There are five categories of givers:- Signed up as Gideons Pledged[…]

THE MARKS OF A TRUE CHURCH The Church can be traced from the O.T where God continuously declares the people/congregation of Israel as His people. In so many instances, God expresses “I’ll be your God and you’ll be my people,” (Exod.6:7; 19:5), The church is therefore the total people of God spread through all the[…]

Home Cell Guide_14th August 2016

THE BIRTH OF THE CHURCH Last Sunday was ACP Sunday. The Bishop launched the 3rd phase of the Cathedral and asked God to bless the project. We need a Church that can disciple the community by giving. He pointed out that It’s God who has given us resources to disciple the community. He told the[…]

ACP Update – 14th August 2016

Spirit of Generosity! God has indeed released the spirit of generosity in the Cathedral and we are experiencing it at ACP.       Financial Update: Collections from 1/08/2016 – 6/08/2016: UGX 32,747,100 = Tent Collections UGX 1,685,000 7:30 am Service UGX 19,171,350; USD 182 9:30am Service UGX 32,745,100; USD 1,564 11:30 am Service UGX[…]

Praise and Honor to the Holy One of Israel!! From Last Sundays Communication we are as a Nation now, entering a fifty days fast beginning 19th August to 07th October 2016. The FAST Will be Launched Friday 19th Aug. by the Vicar Rev. Canon Diana M Nkesiga assisted by Rev John Musa beginning 5:30pm with[…]

Home Cell Guide _ 7th August 2016

This topic sums up the teaching series on the Holy Spirit. Having looked at the person of the Holy Spirit, His work and being filled by the His power, our focus now shift to understand how we can walk in step with Him. Last Sunday, we were led by the children’s Church, and Captain Irene[…]