..:: By: Edgar Ntwali ::.. I thank God almighty for giving me an opportunity to serve and minister to His people in Mulago orthopedic ward. It was my first time to visit the ward and also participate in outreach ministry. I found it a bit challenging because I had to communicate in luganda which am[…]

Deformed But Not Limited

..:: By Kirabo Martha. ::.. I met a young girl. I think her name is Samai. She had three fingers. I helped her hold her drink then the joke was on me when she showed me she could do it on her own! I miss the children already. God makes no mistakes. What we see[…]

Worship as an act of giving

Do you ever get tired of this world? Do you get tired of the monotony of life and seek a higher, more exciting plane? Do you ever long to leave all the filth and degradation behind, for just a little while? Would you like a break sometime—to just get away from it all, and go[…]


‘Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.’ Romans 12:1 Sacrifice: To give up (something important or valued) for the sake of other considerations. Paul urges us to give up our bodies for the[…]