Text: 1 Samuel 9:1-26. This Chapter sets off with a description of Saul, the man who would be Israel’s first king. His father is wealthy, which means Saul is also wealthy. No one in Israel was more handsome than Saul, and he was much taller than anyone else. He even seemed to be humble (v.21).[…]

Text. 1 Samuel 8:1-22 As Samuel was getting quite old, the people realised his wise leadership was coming to an end. His sons were unjust, so they would not be able to lead as well. So, the elders of Israel told Samuel to give them a king, just like all the nations around them. They[…]

Text: 1 Samuel 4:1-22 Israel had just lost a battle against their ancient and incestant enemies, Philistia. The elders thought Yahweh was not with them; so, they decided to bring the Ark of the Covenant into the camp. The Ark was the symbol of God’s presence, and they imagined that it would bring them victory.[…]

Text: 1 Samuel 3:1-21 Samuel was now ministering under the authority of Eli, the High Priest. In the course of the night, God spoke to Samuel so that he would speak to Eli. The message was sad: Eli, his family, and his descendants would be punished forever because of blasphemy by his sons. There is[…]

Text: 1 Samuel 2:1-36 Hannah, Samuel’s mother, utters a prayer that glorifies Yahweh for who He is and what He does for His people. The next passage tells us about the sons of Eli, the High Priest. They are wicked men and have no interest in glorifying God or doing good for His people. In[…]

Text: 1 Samuel 1:1-28 Samuel’s mother, Hannah, was a good and godly woman. Sadly, she did not have children, but it was because Yahweh, for reason only known to Him, was not giving her any (v5). Why God that cannot  be known exactly, but we know it was for Hannah’s good (Roman 8:28) and for[…]

Text: Matthew 20:1-16 Today’s world is full of people who expect God to do their will, according to worldly standards. They assess that if you accept the grace of Jesus late in your life, then your divine rewards should be different from those who accepted Him in their youthful days. Not so with Jesus. He[…]

Text: Matthew 19: 13-30 Jesus now rebukes those that think that children are a burden. Again note that this teaching comes after marriage. It is because many weddings and marriages today have no place for children. Not so with Jesus. He then turns to the Ten Commandments (vv.18-19). He then asked the rich man to[…]


I greet you all in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ! Welcome to Children’s Sunday! Our topic for this Sunday is ‘Caring for the body of Christ.’ The church of Christ in the world has been commissioned by God to impact society. It’s mandate among others include; taking care of God’s people. The Church,[…]

Text: Matthew 19: 1- 12 Today’s marriages are like contracts. This is evil and against God’s statutes. God made the first marriage a covenant relationship; hence, no separation. Wonder why after forgiveness in (yesterday’s text) God goes to marriage? He puts one clear condition for divorce; adultery. But even then, He says you can forgive[…]