Text: Mark 14: 53-72 Jesus was first put before the religious authorities (Jewish Sanhedrin) under the leadership of Caiaphas (v. 53). The accusations were false (v.55); but they still wanted Him sentenced to death. At some point, Peter denied that he knew who Jesus was, despite his earlier pledge to stand with Jesus in trial[…]

Text: Mark 14: 32-52 As Jesus comes to a point of fulfilling His mission – to die for the sins of many, the situation became unbearable for Him (v. 34). At some point He felt God could offer an alternative plan to save mankind (v. 36). The “cup” He meant was the cup of divine[…]

Text: Mark 14:12-31 As they prepared for the occasion, two disciples (Peter and John) are chosen to go into the city to prepare for the Passover meal (vv. 13-15). Sending two disciples was the normal practice for the sacrificial offerings; only two people would be allowed to accompany a lamb for sacrifice. At the eating[…]

Text: Mark 14:1-11 This was the period for the preparation for the Passover Feast. The feast was to commemorate the ancient historical event in which the angel of death passed over the homes of Israelites in Egypt. To be commemorated together with this was the Feast of Unleavened Bread, symbolizing the exodus of Israelites from[…]

Text: Mark 14: 32-52 As Jesus comes to a point of fulfilling His mission – to die for the sins of many, the situation became unbearable for Him (v. 34). At some point He felt God could offer an alternative plan to save mankind (v. 36). The “cup” He meant was the cup of divine[…]

Text: Mark 13:24-37 Jesus describes to His disciples the chaos that will occur on His second coming. The sun will be darkened, meaning that as the universe begins to fall apart the sun will go black. The moon will stop giving light. The stars of heaven will fall, meaning that the heavenly bodies will begin[…]


Shalom, Last Sunday our topic was Prepare the Way, Isaiah 40:1-5 and Mark 1:1-8. Through these words God was speaking comfort to Jerusalem, her warfare, pain has come to an end of a painful situation, and her iniquity is pardoned. God had declared double forgiveness [transformation and healing] in totality. What is Christmas to you?[…]

Today we come together to testify in the words of this doxology; Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The Lord has done so much for us over the year that today we stand in His presence[…]

Text: Mark 12:1-12 As we continue to study this chapter; we are comforted with the Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen. The planter of the vineyard is God; the vineyard is the nation of Israel; the vinedressers are religious leaders of Israel; the servants are the prophets, who stayed faithful to God; the son is Jesus[…]

Text: Mark 11:15-33 When Jesus Christ arrived at the temple in the early morning of the second day, He entered it. As was often the case, big business was going on, especially so during the Passover week. Money changers had big business going on as people changed their monies into temple currency, the only one[…]