1 Kings 11:1-43 In this Chapter, we read of the sad situation of King Solomon neglecting the gift of wisdom God had given him. As a result, the pleasures of life lured Solomon away from the exclusive, pure worship of Yahweh. His particular sin was having sexual relationship with foreign women. God told His people[…]
Text: 1 Kings 10:1-29 God gave King Solomon great wealth, unlike any other king, before or after. He was given material wealth: gold, gems, precious wood, special animals, etc. The King was also richly blessed with wisdom and knowledge. So great was the King’s reputation that the Queen of Sheba (located in south west Arabia,[…]
Text: 1 Kings 9:1-28 This chapter records God making a second appearance to King Solomon (3:5). When Solomon dedicated the completed temple (Chapter 8) , he asked God to forgive and to bless the nation. Now in this second dream, Yahweh promises to do just that. But Yahweh also states clearly that if Solomon and[…]
Text: 1 Kings 8:1-66 King Solomon has finished building the temple, and he now brings in the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark was the symbol of God’s throne, His presence where He met with His people. The Ark is a box which contained the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. The ark was[…]
Text: 1 Kings 7:1-51 King Solomon knew of a man named Huram, who was “filled with wisdom and understanding and skill” as a bronze craftsman. He was like Bezalel, the man who directed the work of Moses’ tabernacle. Bezalel was “filled with the Spirit … in wisdom … in craftsmanship” (Ex.31:2). Worship of God, and[…]
Text: 1 Kings 6:1-38 This chapter mentions several parts of the temple. Let’s focus on one. In verses 31-32, we read of two doors that covered the inner sanctuary, the Most Holy place, where the Ark was placed. On the doors were carved two cherubim (unique heavenly beings). In Moses’ tabernacle there was a curtain[…]
Text: 1 Kings 5:1-18 God’s main purpose in all He does is worship. That is why Moses was directed to build the tabernacle; that is why David wanted to build the permanent temple; and that is what Solomon is about to do. David could not do it because of all the wars he fought. But[…]
Text: 1 Kings 4:1-34 Any wise king will place wise people in positions of his government. This is what Solomon does in this passage. One man, Zabud, is also mentioned as being the King’s friend! Even though Solomon was given wisdom by God, God also says in Scripture that wisdom is gotten from many counselors[…]
Text: Luke 9: 1- 36 Apart from the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the feeding of the 5,000 men (v. 16) is the only miracle that is reported by the four gospels: Mat. 14:15-21, Mark 6: 35-44, John 6: 11-13. The actual number, including women and children, came closer to 20,000 people! It is important to[…]
Text: Luke 8:26-55 As Jesus and His disciples arrived in the region of Gadarenes, He healed a man who had demons. There were many demons in this man (Legion). In the Roman army, a Legion had between 3000 and 6,000 soldiers (v.30). Jesus never destroyed the demons, i.e. sent them to a bottomless pit because[…]