Text: 2 Kings 8:1-29 The Syrian King was sick, so he sent his servant, Hazael, to Prophet Elisha to ask if the King would recover. Elisha said the King would get better from the illness; but Elisha also knew it that Hazael would murder the King, then take the throne of Syria, and terrorize Israel.[…]

Text: 2 Kings 7:1-20 In the previous Chapter, we read about the Syrian army surrounding the city of Samaria until the people were starved into surrendering. In this Chapter, Prophet Elisha said that God would destroy Syria, but it seemed impossible to the leaders. The day after the prophecy, the Syrians were defeated by Yahweh.[…]

Text: 2 Kings 6:1-33 Prophet Elisha would tell the King of Israel what plans were made by the enemy, Syria (Aram) . Upon discovering this, the King of Syria sent his army to capture Elisha. When the Syrian army arrived, Elisha’s servant was afraid; but Elisha prayed that the servant would have the spiritual ability[…]

Text: 2 Kings 5:1-27 The Syrian general, Naaman, had a kidnapped Israelite girl serving as a slave to his wife. Naaman had leprosy, and the girl told the wife that Naaman should seek help from Prophet Elisha. The general went, and when he did as Elisha instructed, he was healed. He also became a believer[…]

Text: 2 Kings 4:1-44 You just read the story, the true account, of a woman who is newly widowed and suddenly finds herself in poverty. Why is this story here? Is it only to show Yahweh’s power through Prophet Elisha or compassion for the poor? That’s true, but there’s also a redemptive purpose being taught.[…]

Text: 2 Kings 3:1-27 The Kings of Israel and Judah join together with the King of Edom to fight against the Moabites. It appears they were relying on their own numbers and strength. After a long march to the battle field the water was finished; none was to be found; and they were doomed. They[…]

Text: 2 Kings 2:1-25 The ministry of Elijah is coming to an end, and Elisha will become the spiritual leader for Israel. When the time came to transfer leadership, something very spectacular happened – Elijah did not die, in the usual sense of the word. As Elijah and Elisha were moving from town to town[…]

Text: 2 Kings 1:1-18 When Ahab died, his son, Ahaziah, becomes King of Israel. The Book of 2 Kings begins with Ahaziah injuring himself. Of course, he wants to know if his injury will be fatal, so he sends a messenger to ask an idol about the outcome. Yahweh, the God of Israel, becomes angry[…]

1 Kings 22:1-53 Ahab, King of Israel, asks Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, to join him in battle against Syria. Jehoshaphat agreed; but he first wanted to hear from a prophet of God. Four hundred false prophets, who just wanted to please Ahab, prophesied victory for Israel. One true prophet said Israel will be defeated, scattered[…]

Text: 1 Kings 21:1-29 Naboth had a vineyard next to one of King Ahab’s palaces, and Ahab wanted it. He offered to buy it, but Naboth refused, as it was his family’s inheritance from Yahweh (v.3). Wicked Queen Jezebel saw the sadness of her husband and made plans to have Naboth murdered, and Ahab approved[…]