Text: 2 Kings 5:1-27
The Syrian general, Naaman, had a kidnapped Israelite girl serving as a slave to his wife. Naaman had leprosy, and the girl told the wife that Naaman should seek help from Prophet Elisha. The general went, and when he did as Elisha instructed, he was healed. He also became a believer in Yahweh (v.17).
The disease of leprosy eats away at a person and kills, just like sin. Leviticus 13- 14 deal with leprosy and related diseases, and we see the disease as a symbol of sin, judged by the priests. When our Great High Priest, Jesus, heals lepers, He does not just heal, He takes the sickness/sin away (Mark1:40-42) and gives cleanness, wholeness, life. We all who belong to God’s grace in Christ have been healed, cleansed of our “leprosy”. Like Naaman, let us give the Lord our worship, and let us go out and tell others (Mark 1:45).

Meditate on verse 1. What is God teaching you in this verse? How are you
going to respond to it?
My heavenly Father, the Lord of heaven and earth, thank You for the many things You have done for me in my life; education, wealth, family and beauty.
Father remove this particular lust from my life, the sin that chokes my fellowship with You. In the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.

