Text: 2 Kings 3:1-27
The Kings of Israel and Judah join together with the King of Edom to fight
against the Moabites. It appears they were relying on their own numbers and strength. After a long march to the battle field the water was finished; none was to be found; and they were doomed. They sought the favor of Yahweh, and He graciously provided what they needed. Then when they faced Moab in battle, God gave them victory.

God will not have His people rely on themselves to accomplish His will. In fact, we have nothing that will help us. You and I are called to engage in a spiritual war, and we need the spiritual necessities that only King Jesus can provide. As you progress in your Christian life, the battle grows stronger. There is never anything you can do on your own to stand against the enemies of your soul.

Daily you must be reading His Word through His prophets (the Bible) and calling on Him in prayer. You will never be abandoned.
Meditate on verse 14. How are you going to respond to it?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that You graciously let people see You at work in me. May You increase in me as I decrease. Amen.

