ACP UPDATES (Sunday 3rd December 2017)

Todays is ACP Sunday. Phase 2 works are progressing on schedule. ACP Team wishes to extend their gratitude and blessings for all your contributions. We appeal to you to remain prayerful for the project and to choose to consistently give as you honour God. A. Financial Status: Summary of collections for the month November 2017 so far.[…]

Text: Genesis 10:-1-32. In this chapter, we are introduced to the genealogy of Shem (for the importance of genealogies, refer to the meditation at Gen.5). The list of Shem’s descendants (Semites) will continue in Gen.11:10. Looking back at Gen. 9:26-27 we read that Noah blessed Shem above his brothers and their descendants (which is every other human being[…]

Text: Genesis 9:1-29. When God deals with humanity, He always does so by means of a covenant (for a definition, refer to the meditation at Genesis 6). In the covenant of Gen.9 (the “Noahic” covenant) God is promising that He will never again destroy the entire earth with a flood. God then gave a sign, a visible[…]

Text: Genesis 8:1-22. Noah, his family, and the animals were in the ark for one year. After the storm, the waters dried up off the surface of the earth, and all the living beings in the ark left safely and returned to the earth. God had fulfilled His promise. God has given a similar promise to us –[…]

Text: Genesis 7:1-24. This passage informs us that God brought the destruction He promised, and every living thing that lived on the surface of the earth was destroyed. The only survivors were Noah, his wife, his three sons, their wives, and the chosen animals that God brought into the ark. Though the rains of judgment fell heavily against the[…]

Text: Genesis 6:1-22. In this chapter, we read of God’s hatred for humanity as they increase in wickedness, and we read of His plan to destroy them. However, God was favourable toward Noah and regarded him as righteous. God made a plan to save the lives of a few, so He established a covenant with Noah (vv.18-19). A[…]

Text: Genesis 5:1-32. When you read the Bible, and you come to a genealogy (a list of descendants) do not ignore it and go to the next passage. Please go back now to the beginning of Gen.5 and read all of it. The essential element of a genealogy is that it connects the people to the promise of[…]

Text: Genesis 4:1-26. God told Adam, on the day you eat the fruit, you will surely die (Gen.2:17). When Adam ate, he chose death for all humanity, and we see in chapter 4 a horrible manifestation of death – brother murders brother. God’s words to Cain are critical, “you must master sin”, we must, but sadly no[…]

Text: Genesis 3:1-24. When Adam sinned, God pronounced curses, first against the tempter, then against Eve, and lastly against Adam. To the serpent God promised that a “seed” (descendent) of the woman would bruise (or crush) the head of Satan. In other words, someday a man would come and destroy the works of the devil and reverse the[…]

Text: Genesis 2:1-25. After creating all things in the space of six days, God rested on the seventh. This sounds like God was tired, as we get tired after a day’s labour. But God continues to work in sustaining and governing all His creation. This rest for God is a completion, examination, judgment, and satisfaction in what[…]