Theme of the year; Unlocking family potential for divine destiny through prayer Sub theme February; dealing with sin Topic; Effects of sin Mr. Manzi Ayebare shared about the effects of sin on 11th of this month. Following the series these are some of the questions he answered as he preached to the teens. What is[…]
Text: Romans 6:1-23. “…He died to sin once for all…”, verse 10 [NKJV]. Jesus Christ died to sin in two ways: 1. To pay sin’s penalty. A sinner bears legal requirement for punishment and Jesus Christ’s death paid for His own people – those destined to be saved. 2. Also to break the power of sin forever for[…]
Text: Romans 5:1-21. “… just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned,” verse 12 [NKJV]. Note that, here sin does not mean a particular sin but the desire to commit sin engulfed the human race whereby man became a sinner by nature. When Adam disobeyed[…]
Text: Romans 4: 1-25. It is impossible to be righteous by keeping the law. If that were so, then faith would have no value [v.14]. Instead law brings about wrath because it exposes man’s sinfulness. It is important for you to know that even Abraham was justified by faith and counted righteous before the law of circumcision v. 10. Thus[…]
The spot at Bishopscourt – the official residence of the Archbishops of Cape Town – where Nelson Mandela first addressed the world’s media as a freeman, has been marked with a commemorative plaque. Nelson Mandela was released from prison after 27 years of captivity on 11 February 1990. He spent his first night as a[…]
A Christian educator walked down a busy city street, enjoying a breath of fresh air before his next lecture. As he turned the corner, a tract – wielding, zealous young Christian confronted him, “Are you saved, brother?” the young woman asked. “Saved from what?” That response seemed to confuse the young woman, but it started a good conversation. The[…]
Praise God Brethren! The Provost of ASCK the Very Rev. Canon Michael Mukhwana preached to the [3] three congregations on the Sub Topic: The Origin and Power of Sin basing on Genesis 1:1-12 and John 8:39-44 concurrently. He pointed out that ‘Origin’ refers to something that springs into being or action yet ‘Power’ is possession of controlling influence.[…]
Phase 2 works are progressing within the overall schedule. ACP Team wishes to extend their gratitude and blessings for all your contributions. We appeal to you to remain prayerful for the project and to choose to consistently give as you honour God. A. FINANCIAL STATUS Summary of collections for the month of January and February 2018 Financial[…]
Text: Romans 3:1-31. “Their throat is an open tomb; with their tongues they have practiced deceit…”, verse 13 [NKJV]. When a tomb is open you smell what is inside, a bad smell. The same thing is with a man’s heart which is not saved or a carnal Christian, it harbours foul intent and desires. Foul words point to a decaying[…]
Text: Romans 2:1-29. In the epistle to Romans, Paul was mainly targeting Jews and converted gentiles who thought they were right with God and therefore not to be judged but instead to judge others. They were mistaken, because of their knowledge, they had demanded higher accountability and hence higher accountability was equally demanded of them. If you can judge[…]