27 enrolled to Mothers Union

The Mothers Union of All Saints’ Cathedral Kampala have enrolled 27 new members in their ministry. The function took place today April 24, 2022 in the midday service at the Cathedral where Bishop of the Diocese of West Ankole, Rt. Rev. Johnson Twinomujuni, was the guest preacher. In his homily, Bishop Twinomujuni appreciated the women[…]

Text: Matthew 27:27-50 Today is commonly called “Good Friday”. It is good because it is the day that Jesus went to the cross to pay the penalty for His people’s sin.Christ’s anguish brought us peace with God. However, before that was accomplished, He was humiliated. The Scripture does not say it explicitly,but Jesus would have[…]

The 2022 Cathedral Prayer conference

By Ivan Naijuka The All Saints Cathedral, Kampala has organized a prayer conference under the theme; “in the day of His power” from Psalm 110:3. This conference starts from 24th to 26 March 2022 at the cathedral from 9:00am – 6:00pm.     The conference is physical.  Therefore, we invite you to participate and be ministered too by[…]

Rev. Kamara & Rev. Gideon bade farewell

By Ivan Naijuka On Sunday 13 March 2022, the Cathedral bade farewell to the Rev Patrick Kamara and Rev. Capt. Gideon Muhima who were transfered to St. Janani Luwumu C.O.U – Nsambya and St. John’s Kamwokya respectively at the beginning of February 2022. While at the Cathedral, Rev. Kamara was in charge of Cell and[…]

TEXT: JOSHUA 24:1-33Joshua challenged the children of Israel to choose who to serve; the Living God of the Bible or the gods of their fathers and gods of Amorites in whose land they were dwelling (v.15). After rejecting the true God, it is now an irony that the children of Israel are being asked to[…]

TEXT: PSALM 78:1-22In a redeemed family, parents teach their children about the wonders of God (v.4). Parents teach their children to trust the true God of the Bible; and must disciple their children to teach the generations after them (2 Tim. 2:2). Today, many parents have got an opportunity to teach their children in their[…]

TEXT: JOHN 11:38-44One can pray to God in any posture: Abraham fell upon his face (Gen.12:3, 17); Moses prayed with raised hands (Exod. 9:27-29) while King Solomon knelt in prayer (1 King 8:54) and Jesus Christ prayed looking up to heaven (v.41), It is important to note that, in prayer, we are on “Holy ground”,[…]

TEXT: JOB 19:1-29Job was a godly and wealthy man (1:1-3). But during one of those moments when Satan was in the presence of God, he was granted a limited access to Job, with which he used to torment Job (vv.6-12). Even after Job had gone through a terrible and painful ordeal caused by Satan, he[…]

The year 2021 exposed us to many hopeless situations in the nation, church, families and world at large. Domestic violence, child marriages and pregnancies, children at home with no hope of going to school, loss and closure of businesses, loss of family members, many orphans, widows and widowers, divorces and broken marriages, disappointments in relationships[…]


The year 2021 exposed us to many hopeless situations in the nation, church, families and world at large. Domestic violence, child marriages and pregnancies, children at home with no hope of going to school, loss and closure of businesses, loss of family members, many orphans, widows and widowers, divorces and broken marriages, disappointments in relationships[…]