Text: Mark 1: 21-45 These verses begin the long list of miracles which Mark’s gospel contains. The casting out of demons in Capernaum and the healing stories are intended to teach us more about Jesus than about the miracles. We learn, in the first place, from these verses, that it is useless to have a[…]
Text: Mark 1: 1-20 The Gospel according to St. Mark opens by telling us that the beginning of the good news about Jesus Christ, the Son of God, requires repentance. The first words of both John the Baptist (v. 4) and Jesus Christ make that demand very clear (v. 15). By quoting Isaiah 40:3 and[…]
Text: Matthew 8:1 –34 Jesus continued to do miraculous things through touching, word and casting out demons. He briefly also refers to the cost of being a disciple. In one of the cases a centurion specific in his request states that “…but only speak a word, and my servant will be healed” (v.8, NKJV). Do[…]
Text: Matthew 7:1-29 Jesus continues in one of his longest sermons and addresses the issue of self-examination rather than focusing on others. He addresses many of us who point fingers at others as hypocrites! He then instead encourages that you bear fruit that is recognisable and lasting. Forget not that prophecy, acts of miracles, driving[…]
Daniel 1:4 defines the qualities of the young men that the king wanted to have. They were youth without blemish, good in appearance, skillful in all wisdom, endowed with knowledge, understanding and learning. They were to be given good food for three years before being presented to the king. Daniel understood that true knowledge does[…]
Blessed be the name of the Lord! The previous Sunday ASCK was blessed to have Dr. Jolly Nyeko preach to the three [3] services on the Topic: « The Family: The Initial Training Ground» based on Mark 3:31-35 and Colossians 3:18-4:1. She first and foremost reminded the parents of their godly given mandate as stated[…]
Text: Matthew 4:1-25 Jesus was interestingly led by the Spirit into the wilderness. Here he faced temptation from the devil. Make no mistake my friend, “a wilderness does not mean that you are not with the Spirit or that you are out of the will of God”. No. It could be a season. After Jesus[…]
Text: Matthew 3:1-17 Jesus Christ’s ministry never began with a bang! No. His ministry began with a herald. John the Baptist was a voice in the desert crying out that all should prepare the way for the Lord. Before the second coming all of us are commended to be like John. Be busy warning the[…]
Text: Matthew 2:1-23 Today there are so many people who masquerade as wise men; foretellers, false prophets, sorcerers, witch doctors, quark doctors etc. It should be appreciated that some of these people acknowledge the power of the wisest; their Creator and Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible approaches wisdom differently, that is, knowledge of God. One[…]
Text: Matthew 1:1-25 Jesus is introduced by Matthew in the historical context in the lineage of King David. Fourteen generations from Abraham to David are outlined, another fourteen from David to Jeconiah and from Jeconiah to Christ (v.17). Amidst this, five women are mentioned and four of them with a character that would not sell[…]