Text: Ruth 3:1-18 In life, you would follow someone’s advice, even when it looks silly, just out of trust. To a foreigner like Ruth, who knew not much about the Hebrew culture, Naomi’s advice was odd (v.4), but because she knew Naomi as a trustworthy person, kind and a lady of integrity, Ruth pledged to[…]
Text Ruth 2:1-23 Naomi and Ruth had settled in their new home in Jerusalem. After ten years of Naomi’s absence from “home”, they needed at least some basics of life, especially food. Ruth came in handy in looking for food as she went for gleaning in the harvest fields. According to the Law of Moses,[…]
Text: Ruth 1:1-22 In this Chapter, we read about Elimelech with his family, which was composed of his wife and two sons, running away from Judah to Moab because of famine (vv.1-3). Later on, Elimelech and his two sons, who had also married, died (vv.3-4). In the midst of these challenges, of losing a husband[…]
Text: Judges 21:1-25 After slaughtering the soldiers of Benjamin, the Israelites also decided not to give their daughters to them for wives. But the battle is now ended, and as they think about the fighting and the vows, they realise that a tribe in Israel is greatly reduced. So, what could be done for them?[…]
Text: Judges 20:1-48 Because of the strange event of Chapter 19, Israel fights against Benjamin and thousands are killed. God is not absent or unable to prevent this. All this needs to be understood as discipline from the Lord. Sin causes separation from God and from other people. When Adam sinned, he chose death –[…]
Text: Judges 19:1-30 This story is placed at the end of the book, but chronologically it should be closer to the beginning, perhaps the generation after Joshua’s. The men of Gibeah, in the tribe of Benjamin, were behaving like the men of Sodom (Gen.19:4-5). A visiting Levite came to spend the night in their town[…]
Praise God Brethren! Last week The Rt. Rev. Nathan Ahimbisibwe of South Ankole Diocese as the Chief Missioner of the Mission Week preached on the topic: Come let us return to the Lord drawing Biblical references from Hosea 6:1-3 and Luke 10:13-16. God was using Hosea’s marriage to Gomer [the prostitute], to illustrate on how[…]
ACP Team is grateful for all your contributions to the project. We encourage you to continue to: Pray, Participate, Provide and (mobilise) Partners for this great work as you honour God. A. Financial Status: ACP Summary of collections for July 2019 A) Financial Status – Phase II Project cost: UGX 7,123,484,957 Less Payments to date:[…]
The celebration of the Mission Week comes to the climax with the great story of Women as the pioneer Evangelists and Missionaries. What started as a mustard seed 2000 years ago is a great story of men and women in Mission. Women have thrived in the midst of oppression, intimidation, suppression, humiliation and tears to[…]
Text: Judges 18:1-31 The spiritual error learned in Chapter 17 is increased from one man to an entire tribe (v.19). The men of the tribe of Dan went to battle against some Canaanites, in Laish; they first came to the house of Micah and spoke to his Levite priest to ask him about the result[…]