Praise the Lord friends, our topic last Sunday was God Cares [1Kings 17:1-7 and Matthew.13:14-22]. This is a God who takes us to a higher ground, upholds us, shield us, our fortress, our Rock, our Light, our Guide, our heart’s desire, our Provider, our Promise keeper and our Healer, our Creator, our Giver of life[…]

This is compassion month and our focus is on caring for others’ physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. We take responsibility as a congregation to minister in different ways to those in need. Today we take a different dimension of ministering to those that need to be restored to spiritual health and wholeness. Lack of repentance[…]

Text: Matthew 9:18-38 Jesus Christ continued to perform miracles: He restored Jairus’ daughter to life; (vv. 18-19), vv. 18-19, 23-26); He healed the lady who had a flow of blood for twelve years (vv. 20-22); He restored the sight of two blind men (vv. 27-30). The blind men called Jesus Christ the “Son of David”[…]

Text: Matthew 9:9-17 Matthew, like all tax collectors of the time, was hated by the Jews because of their renown practice of cheating in tax assessments, and open support to the Roman Empire. As Jesus passed, he called him and Matthew immediately followed Jesus Christ, leaving behind his lucrative job (v.9). So, for Jesus to[…]

Text: Matthew 9:1-8 Jesus Christ came to His own town, Capernaum, for strategic reasons. This town was rich as a result of fishing and trade; and strategically positioned on the Sea of Galilee. It was densely populated with a Roman barracks in place to keep peace. It was, indeed, metropolitan and highly influenced by Greek[…]

Text: Psalm 150:1-6 The wonderful thing about praising God is that it can be done creatively. We must certainly praise Him in spirit and in truth; but there is a creative aspect of this in our every day experience. All kinds of cultural dancing, instruments, forms of music and song can be used to glorify[…]

Text: Psalm 148:1-14 In Romans 8:19-23 we are told that the Creation is eagerly looking for redemption, groaning in pain as it waits. But that does not mean it cannot give praise and glory to God, for the whole of everything God made has within it a fundamental ability to praise Him. Despite the curse[…]

Text: Psalm 147:1-20 If you are sad or stressed today, I would encourage you to make a conscious choice to praise the Lord. As we noted earlier in the case of tortured Paul and Silas in prison in Phillippi, there is something powerful and healing about choosing to praise God regardless of our circumstances. If[…]

ACP Updates (Sunday 1st September 2019)

Today is ACP Sunday. ACP Team is grateful for all your contributions to the project. We encourage you to continue to: Pray, Participate, Provide and (mobilise) Partners for this great work as you honour God. A) Financial Status: ACP Summary of collections for August 2019 A) Financial Status – Phase II Project cost: UGX 7,123,484,957[…]

Praise the Lord Friends, Last Sunday we continued with a topic Giving as Mission, and a sub-topic: “I will open for you the windows of heaven” [Mal 3:10]. In God’s word, everything is possible. There are no regulators that limit the overflow in our lives. The idea of windows of heaven opening also refers to[…]