Text: Matthew 17: 14-27 What happens when you are deployed and you fail? How would you feel if they accuse you of ‘the truth’ in front of your mentor or boss? This I suggest is the scenario that was before the disciples when a man pointed a finger at them that they failed to act[…]

Text: Matthew 16:1-12 The sign and teaching of the Lord are clear; many people today crave for a sign. They move from place to place looking for a pastor or site of miracles. They look for the ‘word’ that speaks in their life; yet Jesus indicates, in this teaching, that “it is only an adulterous[…]

ACP Updates (Sunday 22nd September 2019)

ACP Team is grateful for all your contributions to the project. We encourage you to continue to: Pray, Participate, Provide and (mobilise) Partners for this great work as you honour God. A) Financial Status: ACP Summary of collections for September 2019   A) Financial Status – Phase II -Project cost -UGX 7,123,484,957 -Less Payments to[…]

Praise God Brethren! In reference to Psalm 139:1-18, the Psalmist acknowledges the handy work of the LORD in creation and says “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;”[Vs 14]. We are fearfully and wonderfully created by Him in the Image of God (Imago Dei) and also Known by Him. We are all[…]

Text: Matthew 15:21-39 When Jesus Christ remained silent on the request of the Gentile woman His disciples were puzzled. And in order to get rid of her, Jesus’ disciple requested Him to chase her away as she had become a bother (vv.22-23). You need to note that Jesus was not really rejecting the woman. Instead[…]

Text: Matthew 15:1-20 The Pharisees came to Jesus Christ to accuse His disciples of not honouring traditions of the elders (vv.1-2). For several centuries, after the return from captivity in Babylon, many religious traditions were added to the law of God. And Pharisees, and other leaders of religious law, took them seriously and equated them[…]

Text: Matthew 14:22-36 Many people recognised Jesus Christ as a great healer and not necessarily what He truly was, the giver of eternal life. They were looking for miracles and not necessarily to receive the miracle worker. Many were looking for physical healing and blessing, food and other physical things and not necessarily spiritual welfare.[…]

Text: Matthew 14:1-21 John the Baptist stood firm and confronted King Herod Antipas for wrong doing. King Herod Antipas had married Herodias, his brother’s wife, wrongly or sinfully. To make matters worse Herodias was a daughter to Aristobulus, another son to Herod the Great. So, marrying her uncle was an act of clear incest, thus[…]

Text: Matthew 13:1-15 Jesus Christ told His disciples, and indeed all of us who comprehend spiritual truth, that salvation is by the grace of God (v.11). It is not for everyone; but for those who God destined from birth to be saved (see also John 6:44). It is not by chance; it is from the[…]

Text: Matthew 12:32-50 Jesus Christ is warning us to be careful with our tongue (v.36). There is nothing like slip of the tongue or a simple joke. This is because every word that we speak is from the heart, a bad fruit will always come from a bad tree (v.33). So, we need to be[…]