Text: Jeremiah 11:1-12 It is thought that Jeremiah prophesied this part of the Book either when the Book of Law was found during King Josiah (2 Kings 22: 8-10) or, later at the time of his second son King Jehoiakim, when Israel was unfaithful to the Law. Prophet Jeremiah announces to Judah and Jerusalem inhabitants[…]
Text: Jeremiah 10:13-25 The shepherds have sinned because they have not enquired of the Lord (v. 21). In rejecting the Lord as their shepherd, they therefore will not prosper and their flock will be scattered. For a good shepherd, God will always be his shepherd. Jesus Christ is our good shepherd (John 10:11). Meditate on[…]
Text: Jeremiah 10:1-12 Jeremiah begins by urging the children of God not to behave like pagans who were devoted to astrology, magic and superstition as they worshiped the sun, the moon and the stars. They were not to be dismayed by the signs in the sky (vv. 1-2). That the idols forged by man are[…]
Text: Jeremiah 9:13-26The Lord is telling Judah that she should not boast in wisdom, might and riches but in knowing God (vv. 23-24). It is only through knowing God that Judah and Jerusalem could be saved. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD…. (Psalm 33:12, NKJV). To know the Lord means that you[…]
Text: Jeremiah 8:13-22.As a true prophet, Jeremiah does not rejoice as his prophecies came to pass.Instead, he feels for the people that have refused to repent (vv. 18-19). In fact, he saw seasons in and seasons out yet he did not see the relief of his people (vv. 20-21). The region was known for perfumes[…]
Text: Jeremiah 8:1-12 The Lord promises to expose the bones of the Kings of Judah, the princes, the priests, the prophets and of the inhabitants of Jerusalem because of their idol worship (v. 1). It was a custom in those days that the conquering army would destroy and ransack tombs to get treasures but also[…]
Text: Jeremiah 7:1-15 This Chapter introduces us to Jeremiah’s first temple sermon (v.2); the second one will be in chapter 26. God’s anger is aroused by the sins mentioned in vv.6, 19 and where His temple has become a den of thieves (v.11). The people are relying on the words of false prophets; that God[…]
Text: Jeremiah 6:16-30 God used Jeremiah to test His children to find out if they are truly His children just as one tests to determine a good metal (v.27). Unfortunately they had hardened their hearts and they could no longer pass the test. This sin had turned them into impure silver, they were bronze and[…]
Text: Jeremiah 6:1-15 The Lord is concerned about the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Despite His warning to them, no one cares and no one delights in His Word any more (v.10). The prophets and priests of the day are also greedy (v.13). This applies to us today. You observe how some of the “pastors” are twisting[…]
Text: Jeremiah 5:17-31 The Lord, through Prophet Jeremiah reveals the source of riches of Israel: corruption (vv. 27-28). Everyone including prophets, priests, and the citizens who approve of institutionalized corrupt practices (vv. 30-31) contributed to the riches of Israel. This is the situation in our beloved country, Uganda. Many claim to know God through His[…]