Text: Jeremiah 15:1-10 For the fourth time, God tells Jeremiah not to intercede for Judah (7:16; 11:14; 14:11). To make the point clear, the Lord says that even if Moses and Samuel, the two important prophets of long ago were employed to pray, He would not relent (v.1). Moses and Samuel had effective prayer life[…]

Text: Jeremiah 14: 13-22 While the people were under the distress out of a severe drought, other false prophets at that time were proclaiming peace to the people (v.13). This prompted God to answer back that these prophets were telling lies and that they were not His prophets (v.14). Is this not what we are[…]

Text: Jeremiah 14:1-12 As part of God’s curses on His disobedient children, God sends severe drought which causes people to mourn and wail; even those in authority could not find water through their servants (vv.2-3). Farmers are suffering and wild animals are forced to change their livelihood (vv.4-6) because of this terrible drought in form[…]

Text: Jeremiah 13:15-27 The Lord is calling on His people to repent of their sins and give glory to Him (vv.15-16), He knows that on their own they cannot change (v.23). It is only God who would enable them to change. It is only the blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God that takes[…]

Text: Jeremiah 13:1-14 Nehemiah is told to buy a linen sash or belt, put it on his waist, then remove it and bury it near river Euphrates where it will be ruined and become useless (vv.1-4). The linen sash was symbolic, it showed Israel’s close relationship with God as they glorified Him (v.11); but now[…]

Text: Jeremiah 12:7-17 It is terrible that because of Sin, God is going to forsake His house, the temple, His heritage and hand over His people to their enemies (v.7). This is a sad moment not only for the people, but for God as well, more so, because tradition had it that the defeat of[…]

Text: Jeremiah 12:1-6.It is interesting that Jeremiah first acknowledges God as Righteous. But he is yet to understand the relationship between injustice and prosperity; especially prosperity of those who twist God’s truth and their hearts are far from Him. “….why does the way of the wicked prosper…”? (vv. 1-2,NKJV). Jeremiah enquires of God! God answers[…]

Text: Jeremiah 11:13-23. At this point the Lord revealed to Jeremiah that his life was in danger (v.18); otherwise, he would have been taken captive unawares (v.19). By some strange turn of events, the people who planned to eliminate him were from his home area, Anathoth (v.21). Just like Jesus Christ (Mark 6:4), the people[…]

Text: Jeremiah 11:1-12 It is thought that Jeremiah prophesied this part of the Book either when the Book of Law was found during King Josiah (2 Kings 22: 8-10) or, later at the time of his second son King Jehoiakim, when Israel was unfaithful to the Law. Prophet Jeremiah announces to Judah and Jerusalem inhabitants[…]

Text: Jeremiah 10:13-25 The shepherds have sinned because they have not enquired of the Lord (v. 21). In rejecting the Lord as their shepherd, they therefore will not prosper and their flock will be scattered. For a good shepherd, God will always be his shepherd. Jesus Christ is our good shepherd (John 10:11). Meditate on[…]