Text: Jeremiah 11:13-23.
At this point the Lord revealed to Jeremiah that his life was in danger (v.18); otherwise, he would have been taken captive unawares (v.19). By some strange turn of events, the people who planned to eliminate him were from his home area, Anathoth (v.21). Just like Jesus Christ (Mark 6:4), the people who rejected Jeremiah were from his home town.

The moment you obey God and stand for the truth, the first people to resist you will be those who are around you, and most likely, your family members. But stand firm, the Lord is on your side.

Meditate on verse 18. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Our loving and Mighty Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that You give me the spirit of discernment, regarding and in dealings with the people I live amongst, and give me the courage to speak Your Word. Amen.

