Text: Mark 10:28-45 Peter said that all of them, the twelve disciples, had left all and followed Jesus Christ (v. 28). In the immediate past, Jesus Christ had asked the rich young ruler to leave all and follow Him. So, Peter wanted to know their reward. Jesus said they will receive a hundredfold of what[…]

Text: Mark 10:13-27 Jesus Christ was always accused of spending time with wrong people; tax collectors, sinners and this time, children (v. 13). However, Jesus told His disciples that the Kingdom of God belonged to people whose attitude is like that of children; no self-sufficiency, but total dependency on God. And for moral self-righteousness, to[…]

Behold He Comes

Today marks the first Sunday in advent season according to the Church calendar. The word advent is derived from the Latin word adventus meaning coming. This is further translated in Greek to mean Parousia. In the 4th and 5th centuries it was a season to prepare candidates for baptism at the feast of Epiphany in[…]

ACP Updates (Sunday 1st December 2019)

The new ACP Team (4) commissioned on 17th November 2019 to steer phase 3 of the project comprises of the following members: Mrs. Vivian Igunduura (Chairperson), Eng. Richard Mugisa (Vice Chair/Technical), Mr. Jonathan Mpuga (Finance), Mr. Michael Niyitegeka (Communications), Mr. Stuart Mugabe (Funds Mobilisation), Lay Canon Alice Turyamureba, Mr. Joel Mbabazi, Arch. Andrew Amara Kaahwa,[…]

Text: Mark 10:1-12 Jesus Christ was in an area controlled by Herod Antipas who had imprisoned John the Baptist because of his views on marriage and divorce. At the time, there were two schools of thought concerning divorce namely: (i) To allow divorce for any reason, or, (ii) Allow divorce on grounds of adultery only[…]

Text: Ezekiel 5:1-17 As if the destruction of Jerusalem was not enough, Ezekiel prophesies even more death and destruction for the exiles in Babylon. Yahweh is so deeply offended by their continued rebellion, that He declares more suffering and death to come, even in their exile. Only a small remnant of God’s people will remain[…]

Text: Ezekiel 4:1-17 Sin is a lot of fun until you get caught and feel the consequences. Ezekiel is commanded by the Lord to symbolise and recreate the suffering experienced by God’s people when Jerusalem was attacked and devastated in 586 B.C. Why do this after the painful event has already taken place? Because the[…]

Text: Ezekiel 3:1-27 Satan absolutely loves an undisciplined mind. For if we are not careful with the Word of God, it can serve his purposes and not that of the awesome God who called us into service. Ezekiel is commanded to eat the very scroll of the words that he is commanded to use in[…]

“…Son of man, stand up on your feet, and I will speak to you.” Even though we are stained with sin, our loving Father is not ashamed to call us His servants. His very own spirit flows within us in order to speak to His people. And what a sinful people we are! Ezekiel was[…]

Text: Jeremiah 15: 11-21 Jeremiah is told to listen to God and not to people (v.19) and somehow God renews Jeremiah’s calling promising to help him (v.20). Apostle Peter and his friends told the High Priest that they (apostles) ought to obey God rather than men (Act. 5:29). As a child of God, you are[…]