Text: Ezekiel 3:1-27
Satan absolutely loves an undisciplined mind. For if we are not careful with the Word of God, it can serve his purposes and not that of the awesome God who called us into service. Ezekiel is commanded to eat the very scroll of the words that he is commanded to use in prophecy. What is this strange episode supposed to communicate? The same precious truth that has existed for every prophet: the only thing that you are allowed to speak are the very words that God gives you! No more, and no less!

To speak for God is an act of faith. People will often reject what you have to say, but that is not your concern. God is faithful and promises to use His Word in power. If we refuse to speak from His Word as and when He tells us, we are held accountable. The Lord will guide and direct, for He has just the right ministry and perfect timing for you to speak. So, pray that you will be listening to His voice, and to carefully speak what He has for you from His holy Word.

Meditate on verse 3. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Faithful and ever loving Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that You teach me to learn and meditate on Your Word always; and only speak Your Word as it is, to the World, as and when You call on me to do so. Amen.

