Friends welcome to the year of our Lord 2020, this is a year of Double Restoration. I believe 2019 was such a year of Fruitfulness. As we ended 2019, we shared on two words i.e. EBENEZER AND WORSHIP. We would like to thank God for each one of you and for having opened your homes,[…]

We are thankful that by the Grace of God, his enduring mercies and faithfulness he has given us an opportunity to serve him in the year 2020. It is a time to think about what God wants us to accomplish in his kingdom for this year. As we begin the month of prayer, let us[…]

Text: Luke 3:1-20 John the Baptist went from place to place on both sides of River Jordan preaching to people to repent, receive forgiveness from God and be baptised (v. 3). However, he rebuked some people calling them “Blood of vipers” because they just wanted to be baptised only to escape eternal punishment but not[…]

Text: Luke 2:34-52 It is not implied that by Jesus Christ growing or increasing in wisdom and stature, He, at no one time ceased to be God or separated Himself from the divine attributes so as to become man. The truth is that He took on human nature, as an addition, and not subtraction and[…]

A Blessed 2020 Brethren! In His Christmas message, The Most Rev. Stanley Ntagali on the topic: TO US A CHILD IS BORN from Isaiah 9:1-6 and John 1:1-17. Christmas should always reminds us of God’s love to the dark world; revealing His eternal love to humanity. A fulfillment of the ancient prophesy by prophet Isaiah[…]

Text: Luke 2:21-33 When Simeon held baby Jesus in his old arms he said; “…this child is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel…” v.34 (NKJV). The truth is that with Jesus Christ you cannot find a neutral ground; you either reject Him and He becomes a stumbling block or receive Him[…]

ACP Updates (Sunday 29th December 2019)

Hallelujah, Emmanuel, God with us! We praise God that this special Christmas season celebration can be held in our new Cathedral building, still under construction. The new Sanctuary was roofed this year. Ebenezer! Phase 3 of the project includes civil works finishes, closures, fittings, equipment installations and furnishing. During the coming year 2020, we will[…]

To Us A Child Is Born [Isaiah 9:6]

Isaiah prophesied about the birth of Jesus giving great assurance to the people about what was going to happen in the future. In Isaiah 8 we see a people who are not listening to God, they have no fear of the Lord, they consult the mediums and the dead to help them, idolatry was the[…]

Text: Luke 2:1-20 It is amazing that when Jesus Christ was born, He was revealed first to the unexpected, not the leaders of the time! The shepherds in the field, taking care of their sheep (vv.8-12), were first to behold His glory! Bethlehem was not far from Jerusalem so, some of the sheep these shepherds[…]

Text: Luke1:57-80 Earlier on in our studies, we saw the danger of blindly following the dictates of traditions (Matt. 15:1-20). And especially elevating them to the Word of God. In this text, we witness the firm stand of Elizabeth against a horde of traditionists, wanting to name the baby according to their tradition (vv.59- 63).[…]