The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye ( PROVOST)
The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye | PROVOST

Isaiah prophesied about the birth of Jesus giving great assurance to the people about what was going to happen in the future. In Isaiah 8 we see a people who are not listening to God, they have no fear of the Lord, they consult the mediums and the dead to help them, idolatry was the order of the day and the Lord said that because of their ways they will see distress and darkness, gloom and anguish. Persistent sin results into gloom anguish. I believe that many people out there who have failed to understand the power of Christ are living in fear, they are troubled and a lot of darkness has surrounded them like in Isaiah’s time.

Isaiah gave people hope indeed that after the birth of Jesus, those who walked in darkness the light of Christ will shine among them and they will indeed see a great light. That is only possible for those who believe. Otherwise it is during this time of Christmas that many plan evil for those they call enemies and many have lost lives. It is good to remind ourselves that God punishes and hates evil while for those who turn to him he forgives. Isaiah 8:13, “But the Lord of hosts, Him you shall honor as holy, let Him be your fear and dread.” Isaiah had seen what the Lord can do to evil doers, he had also realized that there is hope in God much as Israel was going through pain and suffering at the time.

It was very clear that when Jesus establishes His kingdom, He will rule over all the kings and armies that seem fierce, Assyria cannot prevail in the new Kingdom, He will lift all governments upon His shoulders, He will be a Wonderful Counselor with, He will be a Mighty God who can never be silenced by the idols the people were worshipping, He is mighty in battle, He is dependable and will never lose any battle. He is the everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. Our
earthly fathers die, some have not acted as true parents, some are denied by their fathers, others have longed to have a father figure but not a single one has appeared. Other fathers have no time to listen to their children but Jesus can be trusted as a Father forever. In distress and pain, in sorrow and joy, in scarcity and in plenty He is the same. He will always address His children by name.

Many of us have very short memories but Jesus has a very good memory that keeps the names of His children on His finger tips. In Isaiah 49: 15-16, He has engraved us on His palms and He looks at us every minute, He never slumbers
nor sleeps. Our Lord Jesus is the Prince of Peace, we can comfortably rest in His embrace and fear no evil. Whoever wants to touch us will fear the face of Christ in us and that is why the Lord is a consuming fire. If we can trust Him, our will
be consumed by fire around us and they run away. Our Lord is Emmanuel, God with us.
My brothers and sisters Christmas is not just an ordinary celebration. It is about a Savior who is in complete control of everything that is around us. If you have Him, you have life and if you don’t, then there is no life with you (1 John 5:12).
As you share this Christmas with your family remember to take off some time to listen to God. Step out of the noise of celebration and seek His face this day, He will speak to you and address you as a person. Why not take a moment again and confess Him as Lord and Savior if you have never done it, or renew your commitment to Him so that your celebration will have value addition. Without Christ in your life Christmas is empty. Lets us be wise and wake up for the days
are evil (Romans 13:11-14). Have a blessed Christmas & New Year!

The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye

