Text: Psalm 1:1-6The book of Psalms is a divinely inspired collection of poetry, prayers, and songs that flow from humanity’s experiences in faith and life. Psalm 1 sets before us the two paths of life – one that follows God’s law and the other that is contrary to God’s law. There is no other path.[…]

Text: Deuteronomy 18:9-14The book of Deuteronomy is the last of Moses’ five books, which he wrote and spoke to the people shortly before his death and before entry of Israel into the land of Canaan. This book was meant to teach and encourage the people on how to live and serve Yahweh. Listed in the[…]

Text: Genesis 4:1-26 This chapter describes a horrifying event in the first generation after Adam and Eve’s sin. Their sons, Cain and Abel, came to Yahweh in worship, each brother bringing an offering. Cain brought some of his grain harvest, something of his work given to God so that God would accept him. Cain’s self-trust[…]

Pastoral Letter – June 2021

Dear Brethren,I bring you Christian greetings from All Saints’ Cathedral, Kampala (ASCK).We are again facing a public health crisis brought by Covid-19 pandemic which has caused uneasiness in our daily operations. On Sunday, June 06, 2021 the President once again issued guidelines to control the wide spread of corona virus in the country. Among those,[…]

Why should Paul tell the Christians about their needs being met and yet he remains behind the bars of prison. Does it mean he is happy to be where he was? Paul is one person who endured trouble in its different dimensions ranging from lack of had learnt the secret of facing plenty and hunger,[…]

HOME CELL PAGE 13th June, 2021

Shalom! Last Sunday’s Topic was; Unlocking Divine Blessings through Obedience: [Deuteronomy 28:1-14]. Blessings and obedience are two important truths. Note: Not all good that happens to us is a blessing from God. For example, the Abraham and Haggai relationship; and also not every Marriage is a blessing from God. Doing the right thing doesn’t amount[…]

ACP updates for Sunday 13th June, 2021

The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project. We continue to execute phase 3 through Transition Works in small lots, despite the challenges affecting the construction and financial sectors. The site remains under restricted access. It is our prayer that by end of this year 2021, the pending[…]

Text: Romans 15:14-21Paul says that he has every reason to be proud as he contributes his work to God (v.17). That everything he does; by word and deed, is an accomplishment of Christ in him (v.18). So at your work station, do you see God in the picture or do you see corruption and all[…]

Text: Romans 8:1-8The Lord encourages us to use our gifts diligently to serve one another as we serve Him (vv.6-8). You realize that none can have all gifts mentioned at once. An assertive teacher may not necessarily be a good counselor; a generousperson might not be a good leader, so we need to complement each[…]

Text: Romans 4:1-12A major concern in the book of Romans is how a person is accepted by God as being right in His sight. Apostle Paul frequently states that a life of law obedience cannot make a person righteous (e.g., Rom.3:19-20). Because we are by nature anti-God (Eph.4:22), it is not possible for us to[…]