Obedient Children

Text: Ephesians 6:1-4. Scripture calls upon children to obey their parents, to honour them, and to submit to their authority. For children who are a few years away from adulthood, this command might seem “childish”, but interestingly, in Romans 1:28-31, in the midst of a long list of horrible sins, the apostle Paul includes, “disobedient to parents” (Rom.1:30). This[…]

Honour Your Father and Mother

Text: Exodus 20:1-17; Deuteronomy 5:16. To honour a person, you give them respect, treat them as better than yourself, and give obedience, when appropriate. Children are to have this kind of attitude toward their parents at all times, not only when parents are watching, but especially when parents are not in sight. God is always present, always watching, and[…]

Source: anglicannews.org | [ACNS, by Gavin Drake] The planting of trees to mark special occasions like confirmations, baptisms and weddings is an increasingly popular practice in many areas of southern and central Africa, after it was suggested and promoted by young Green Anglicans. But the Province of Burundi is going a step further and is[…]

The Family of God

Text: Ephesians 2:11-22. Human families are extremely important, but not more important than the family of God. God is our Father, and we Christians are brothers and sisters in Christ, related because of what Jesus accomplished for us (His life, death, and resurrection), and because we are united to Jesus by faith. Just as we[…]

Extended Family

Text: Joshua 2:1-14. A proper family unit is not limited to the “nuclear” family of parents and children. In today’s passage, we read that there are other appropriate variations, including extensions by blood relations (grandparents, uncles, etc.), by adoption, and by some other ways. Polygamy (though found in Scripture), “same-sex marriage” into which children are[…]

Having Children

Text: Genesis 1:26-31. In this passage, we are given more instructions about God’s design for the family, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth …” Since that time, family has always been defined as comprising of a man and a woman who are united to each other in a life-long covenant (marriage), from which[…]

[ACNS, by Gavin Drake] The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has focused on reconciliation – one of the three priority areas for his ministry – for his New Year’s Message. The Archbishop filmed the message in Coventry – where he served as cathedral Canon between 2002 and 2007. It was in Coventry that Archbishop Justin[…]

Head and Helper

Text: Ephesians 5:22-24. The roles of husbands and wives are often confused in people’s thinking, especially in our present age. Before God, husbands and wives are equal, but He designed their roles to be different. The man is the head, the authority, and the wife is his helper (Gen.2:18). Therefore, the wife submits to the[…]


Text: Genesis 2:18-24. Any conversation about “Family” must begin with its origin. In the passage you just read, God creates all humanity, in His image, beginning with one man. Note what the Scripture says, “it is not good for man to be alone”. Why? Because God is not alone. The one true God exists eternally[…]

HOME CELL PAGE (1st January, 2016)

Merry Christmas and happy New Year! His Grace, The Most Reverend Stanley Ntagali the Archbishop of the Province of the Church of Uganda; and the Bishop of the Diocese of Kampala was the Chief Celebrant on Christmas Day at All Saints Cathedral Nakasero and preacher in the three (3) Services. Bishop Ntagali welcomed all the Worshippers[…]