Text: Genesis 2:18-24.

Any conversation about “Family” must begin with its origin. In the passage you just read, God creates all humanity, in His image, beginning with one man. Note what the Scripture says, “it is not good for man to be alone”. Why? Because God is not alone. The one true God exists eternally as three distinct separate persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, yet one God, same substance.

Thus, husband and wife are no longer two but one flesh! (cf. Mt.19:5-6) Marriage reflects something of the image of God. Marriage especially reflects the relationship of Jesus Christ and his Church (Eph.5:25, 29, 32). We are the bride of Christ.

Reflect on verse 24, what is God teaching you in this verse? What brought shame later between Adam and Eve? What can bring shame in Christian marriages today? Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for all Christian marriages that they will not be ashamed. Guard them against shame. Amen.

