Text: Exodus 18:1-27. Jethro advised Moses to delegate part of his work load to others so that he could “…Stand before God for the people, so that you may bring the difficulties to God,” verse 19 (NKJV). It was important that Moses prays for the people before God. As a leader, he could not under rate or delegate prayer![…]
By: Ivan Naijuka The archbishop of the Anglican communion of North America, The Most Rev. Foley Beach has challenged the congregation at All Saints’ Cathedral – Kampala to continue being faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ. “I rejoice and give thanks to God for the Church of Uganda for remaining steadfast in the teachings of the[…]
#YOMz #yomsfellowship 13-04-2018 What is God’s Given potential and How to discover it. By:Zac Kisembo REVIEW A life that is fully surrounded and supported of God and the only reason you stand and succeed is because of God. Walk in love ???? and share the word of God. To discover your potential is to detest[…]
“Victory for the Doubtful” Sermon by Mr. Seguya Paul John 20:19-29 Doubt:- believing that there is another truth. Doubting the resurrection. Why would Thomas doubt that Christ rose again? Remember the Disciples were closest to Jesus. So even when you are the most fire spitting and demon chasing, sometimes you doubt. Whose report do you[…]
Praise the Lord! The Revd. Canon Fredrick Baalwa – the Vicar of St Stephen’s Kisugu delivered a Homily to ASCK Congregation on Sunday 8th April 2018 on the Theme ‘Post Resurrection Encounters: Hope and Believing; and drawing his exposition from Lk. 24:13-35 and Ezek. 3; &-10 respectively. From the onset, the Preacher challenged the three (3) Congregations and[…]
Phase 2 works are progressing within the overall schedule. ACP Team wishes to extend their gratitude and blessings for all your contributions. We appeal to you to remain prayerful for the project and to choose to consistently give as you honour God. A. Financial Status: Summary of collections for the month of April 2018 Financial Status –[…]
Good morning Saint. I hope that you had a fruitful week, having chosen to go by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for it is Him that leads our steps, when we entrust our lives to Him. When one reads the Passion account of our Lord Jesus Christ, it becomes clear, that by the time of his[…]
Text: Exodus 17:1-16. With every need, the Israelites grumbled. In essence, they declared their lack of confidence in Moses and God. “…Why did you bring us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?” Verse 3 (ESV). They went on to question if God was with them (v. 7). These were the[…]
Text: Exodus 16:1-36. The spirit of grumbling was rife amongst the Israelites. Despite the wonders that they had witnessed both in Egypt and along the way they still were unplacated. They reminisced with nostalgia the pots of meat and bread that they fed on in slavery (vv.2-3). This was very unfortunate, as God offered them bread and meat. The bread,[…]
Text: Exodus 15:1-27. The children of Israel who had earlier sung songs of victory (vv.1-18) soon forgot the victory that the LORD had handed them and began to grumble due to lack of water (v.24). Many times the devil draws our attention to challenges that we are facing other than the victories that God has given us over time.[…]