TEXT: COLOSSIANS 4:1-18Sometimes the devil will discourage you from praying; whispering to you that you have already had family prayer, you are tired and sleepy, you are late for an activity, you will pray later etc. You are encouraged to continue steadfastly in prayer (v.2). You can even pray silently as you walk downthe street[…]
TEXT: JOB 19:1-29Job was a godly and wealthy man (1:1-3). But during one of those moments when Satan was in the presence of God, he was granted a limited access to Job, with which he used to torment Job (vv.6-12). Even after Job had gone through a terrible and painful ordeal caused by Satan, he[…]
TEXT: LUKE 18:1-6Jesus Christ told His disciples that they ought to always pray (v.1). At a point of receiving Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you receive the Holy Spirit. He is the one who enables you cry to God, “…Abba! Father!” (Rom. 8:15). The new nature of every Christian cries to God through prayer[…]
The year 2021 exposed us to many hopeless situations in the nation, church, families and world at large. Domestic violence, child marriages and pregnancies, children at home with no hope of going to school, loss and closure of businesses, loss of family members, many orphans, widows and widowers, divorces and broken marriages, disappointments in relationships[…]
Text: Psalm 2:1-12The King says that God has declared him to be His Son. However, note that Israel was also called the son of God (Hos.11:1). So, was each King of Israel (2 Sam.7:14). However, most of the Kings in Israel were evil and would fall short of the glory of God. The prophets would[…]
Text: 2 Samuel 7:1-29David made an offer to build a house for the Lord (v.2). The Lord turned down his request (v.5). This does not mean that God had rejected David; instead, God planned to do something bigger for David; his dynasty will last forever (vv.14-16). The prophecy above was ultimately fulfilled in Christ (Heb.1:5).[…]
Text: Deuteronomy 18:1-22The Jews expected a final prophet who would be equal to Moses, and even greater than Moses (vv. 15-19). Such a prophet would mediate between people and God. The prophecy was fulfilled in Jesus Christ (Acts7:37). At first, the Jews mistook this “prophet” to be Joshua, yet Moses was pointing to the coming[…]
The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project. We continue to execute phase 3 through Transition Works in small lots, despite the continuing effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on construction and financial sectors. The site remains under restricted access. It is our prayer that by the time the[…]
Last Sunday we completed a series on marriage and we believe that each one of us has taken time to rethink our marriages which symbolizes Christ as the groom and the church as the bride.This captures well with our December theme of beholding the redeemer our Lord Jesus Christ. During this advent season we remember[…]
Text: Numbers 24:1-25The star coming from Jacob refers to the coming of Messiah, Jesus Christ (v.17). It may appear strange for God to use a sorcerer, Balaam, to prophecy the coming of Jesus Christ. However, it should be noted that God is able to use any one even the evil plans of the enemy for[…]