No difference in Christ

Text: Acts 21:27-39. During Paul’s time, nationalistic, religious and cultural animosities were high; Israelites versus the Gentiles, the circumcised against the uncircumcised, the Jews against the foreigners or aliens, and many such like Paul survived death on a flimsy charge that he was a foreigner (V 39). And yet in Christ Jesus there is no difference whatsoever. (See Galatians[…]

[ACNS, by Gavin Drake] The Primate of Kenya, Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit, has commended the country’s government and opposition leaders for working together to ease tensions ahead of the 2017 general elections. In a “Letter to the Nation” issued at the end of the province’s standing committee meeting, Archbishop Sapit said that the church was[…]

Live by the Spirit of God

Text: Romans 8:7-17. At Baptism you were commanded as a soldier of Christ to bravely resist sin, the flesh and the world because if you are controlled by these things you cannot please God. (V 8) As we saw yesterday, the Spirit of God dwells in us and as a result we belong to Christ and sin cannot prevail over[…]

Do not defile yourselves

Text: 1 Corinthians 3:10-23. We are called upon to do our best in all the things we do, after all, each of us is a temple of God’s Spirit! We should never defile God’s temple by hatred and other vices because our works will be tested as in fire and the Lord God knows all our thoughts. Nobody[…]

[ACNS, by Gavin Drake] The Primate of Jerusalem and the Middle East, Archbishop Mouneer Anis, has said that the Anglican church in Tripoli is struggling to survive. In a message on the website of the Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa, the Archbishop explained that the Church of Christ the[…]

Text: Matthew 5:38-48. It is said that if the world practiced the law of ‘an eye for an eye’, soon there would be only ‘one-eyed’ people because we all fall short of the standards of God! However, we are called upon to love as Christ loved, unconditionally, and even to love our enemies because love is not[…]

More than Conquerors

Text: Romans 8:31-39. Because God in Jesus Christ is on our side nobody can accuse us and, therefore, death which comes to us is not due to our guilt. Also through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, we are more than conquerors and as a result nothing, including death, can separate us from[…]

Grieve with Hope

Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. When our dear ones die we feel devastated and sorrowful which is natural, but we are advised not to grieve like those other people who have no hope. Secondly, as people who know Jesus Christ, we must never be ignorant about the issues of life and death since Jesus defeated death[…]

Change through Death

Text: 1 Corinthians 15:50-57. Like the seed is destroyed in the soil in order to produce a new plant, we also must die so that the body may be changed into a new one which is imperishable or which does not die any more. This is a mystery difficult to easily understand, but it is[…]

Bishop urges churches to invest in young people

[ACNS, by Knowledge Chiwambo and Peter Chipanga] Bishop Alinafe Kalemba of the Anglican diocese of Southern Malawi, part of the Church of the Province of Central Africa, has challenged that unless budgets for youth activities are taken seriously, there will be little progress both at church and nation level. Bishop Kalemba was speaking after blessing[…]