Text: Proverbs 22:1-16. “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it,” verse 6, ESV. Train your child to make the right choices, for example, to pray always and trust God, so that even when you are not available he/she knows God is with him/her and that[…]
Text: Proverbs 29:1-27. “To discipline a child produces wisdom, but a mother is disgraced by an undisciplined child’’, verse 15, LASB. For you to propagate a godly family legacy, you must discipline your children. When you discipline in order to correct them, they learn and learning gives them wisdom. When children are properly and consistently corrected, they will also[…]
Source: www.anglicannews.org A charity is working with the Episcopal Church in South Sudan to open a multi-campus university within the next two years, with the aim of helping the next generation escape the violence that has plagued the country. Theologian Dr Eeva John, Director of Pastoral Studies at Ridley Hall, Cambridge, chairs the charity behind the[…]
Text: Romans 8:36-39. Paul answers for self and for many of us in two aspects: first, that nothing will indeed separate us from Jesus. Secondly, that no circumstances will prevail over what has been obtained in victory as Christians through Jesus Christ. So friends you can also, like Paul, declare with a big NO that nothing on earth will make[…]
Romans 8:27-34. No charge and no judgement. Condemnation also falls under the jurisdiction of God. In Romans 8:1, the Scripture specifies that when in Christ Jesus you are safe, the spirit of Christ sets you free from the law of sin and death. Many people in this world are burdened with various things that condemn them; the law,[…]
Source: churchofuganda.org The Rev. Canon Johnson Twinomujuni has been elected the 4thBishop of West Ankole Diocese. He will be consecrated and enthroned as Bishop on 28th May 2017 at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Bweranyangi, Bushenyi. He will succeed the Most. Rev. Stanley Ntagali, who has been the Acting Bishop of the Diocese since the Rt. Rev. Yonah[…]
The Peace of the Lord be with you: Halleluiah! Following on with the Monthly Theme ‘Family Stewardship’, the Rt. Revd Dr. Edward Muhiima exposed the sub Topic ‘Christ the Lord of Glory’. The Preacher pointed out that Palm Sunday commemorates the glorious entry of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem when He used a mere despised donkey as a[…]
We are glad to update all of you on the current status of the Cathedral Building Project and as you are aware, the project is still in pre-construction stages whose status is as follows; A. TECHNICAL STATUS Design review was completed in the middle of February 2017 and we were blessed to have input from all stakeholders[…]
Happy Easter Sunday to you saints. My heart certainly goes out to our brethren who recently lost very close family members, we pray for God’s comfort. We bless the Lord for this very special day, when the Church world wide celebrates the resurrection of our Lord, which is the basis of our faith. Unlike the other founders of[…]
Text: Romans 8:20-26; 30-33. This assertion is powerful and pregnant with assurance. For in justice, He is the judge of all creation and knows the thoughts of all men. Again in making us conquerors, He specifically states in this sense that all charges are now dropped. And the question asks that if God has forgiven you, then who can even[…]