Source: Churches across Cumbria in the north-west of England have taken part in what is probably the largest-ever ecumenical regional-missions to take place in the UK. The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, led a Church of England delegation of 26 bishops and retired bishops from across the northern Province; and was joined by the[…]

A.C.P Updates (Sunday, 11th March 2018)

Phase 2 works are progressing within the overall schedule. ACP Team wishes to extend their gratitude and blessings for all your contributions. We appeal to you to remain prayerful for the project and to choose to consistently give as you honour God. A. Financial Status: Summary of collections for the month of February and March 2018 Financial[…]

Evangelism by Akampa Ezra

#ASCKYomsFellowship 9thMarch2018 Rev. Geoffrey Byarugaba Romans 10:14-15 “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it[…]

A Call To Love Mercy by Agumisiriza Anthony

sermon notes by Agumisiriza Anthony A call to love mercy By Bishop Zac in 3pm We fast so that we may hear God….not that he may hear me as though God were deaf… It is not to speak, to say, to pray justly but to act justly… To act justly is to take actions that will[…]

“… And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk and humbly with your God.” [Micah 6:8] The Cathedral Congregations were blessed to have one of the Elders Justice Kenneth Kakuru preach to the three [3] services on the Topic ‘The Call to Act Justly’ basing on[…]

When the Lord commands us to love and to exercise mercy, He is not asking for too much, because He has already demonstrated to us what it means to love, and even to love our enemies (Rom.5:8). Mercy or compassion is one of the ingredients of an authentic religion. We read in Micah 6:8, “He has shown you,[…]

“If you don’t stand firm in your Faith in the LORD, you will not stand at all.” May the Name of the Lord be praised! ASCK was blessed to host Mr. Nicholas Kisakye who preached to the [3] three congregations on the Topic: “…He came not to condemn…but to set captives free” basing on Psalms 8:1-9 and[…]

Text: Luke 17:1-37. Jesus Christ was and is the friend of the rejected (verse 12-14). Lepers were considered defiled and unclean, and therefore could stand at a distance and that’s why shouting was very crucial for them to attract attention and be heard (verse 13). Jesus Christ told them to go and show themselves to the priest because it was[…]

Text: Luke 16:1-31. You are not justified or counted righteous by your own actions (verse 15) but only through Jesus Christ. He took your sins on the cross so that you are counted righteous. There is nothing you can do to make you righteous. The Pharisees had a tendency to believe that their goodness and morality would[…]

Luke 15:1-32. Jesus Christ was accused of receiving and eating with sinners (verse 2). This prompted Jesus Christ to share with the crowd the three parables. The parables were emphasising the joy of God over a repented sinner. Indeed Jesus Christ was called a friend of tax collectors and sinners (7:34 – NKJV). Do not[…]