Today is Pentecost Sunday, but why is this day so important? Even among the nicest of folks, disagreements eventually spring up. That’s why Apostle John took various opportunities throughout his book to illustrate the perfect agreement that exists between all the persons of the Trinity. The Trinity describes God’s existence as being in three persons (Matthew 3:16, 17; Mark[…]

Glorious Hope

Sermon Notes by Bridgette Nalumu 20/05/2018 Sermon: Glorious Hope By Nate Mulindwa Background: Romans 1:17; 3:21-24; 4:25. 1. Peace with God through Jesus. Colossians 1:21-22 – The things that truly matter go beyond the here and now. – We can have all the things that we want and still miss the point. – The most[…]

Text: Psalm 19:1-14. God has revealed Himself by general revelation through nature. When you look at the heavens and the earth, you get to sense that indeed there is Creator behind it all (vv.1-6). God has revealed Himself by special revelation through His Word, the Bible, which reveals to us His will (vv.7-14). He has[…]

Text: Psalm 18:1-50. David composed this Psalm as a thanksgiving message to God who had rescued him from his many enemies who included Saul (vv.1-19). This psalm is almost the same with 2 Samuel 22, with some few minor changes. At the end it points to Jesus Christ (v.50), as a confirmation of the Davidic[…]

Text: Psalm 17:1-15. David was under distress probably due to Saul’s relentless pursuit and he was sincere to God that he was indeed in trouble (v.1). He trusted in the LORD that He would answer and rescue him (v.15). God looks for a sincere heart that trusts in Him. Such character develops as one accepts[…]

Text: Psalm 16: 1-11. This Psalm much as it seems to talk about David like being rescued from his enemies or death, it is symbolic. It points to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. “For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption,” verse 10 (ESV). Indeed the tomb[…]

Text: Psalm 15:1-5. This Psalm, though short, prescribes the way a Christian should live (vv.2-5). The Psalm ends with a promise that “…He who does these things shall never be moved, verse 5 (ESV). Your daily activities should reflect God’s perfect standards mentioned in this chapter, in particular, and else where. You will be able[…]

Text: Psalm 14:1-7. When God had created the world, everything was very good (Gen.1:31), but some time later He regretted that He had made man (Gen.6:6). None of us can boast of any goodness when subjected to God’s perfect standard. “They have all turned aside; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does[…]

Testimony by Mr. Kashumba Charles

17/5/2018 was my fifty fifth birthday. I thank God for the protection and provisions. 55 years comes with the news of retiring from Uganda Revenue Authority where I worked for 21years. I was appointed to URA on 16/5/1997.(URA has an age limit of 55years) I thank God for his guidance through the 21 years and[…]

Text: Psalm 13:1-6. David wrote this psalm complaining to God about the challenges he was going through. It seemed to him that God had forsaken him but he still went a head to present his case before God in prayer while also seeking comfort (vv.3- 4). He goes on to reaffirm his faith in the Lord and believes that[…]