Text: Matthew 27:27-50 Today is commonly called “Good Friday”. It is good because it is the day that Jesus went to the cross to pay the penalty for His people’s sin.Christ’s anguish brought us peace with God. However, before that was accomplished, He was humiliated. The Scripture does not say it explicitly,but Jesus would have[…]

Text: John 13:1-38Today is Maundy Thursday. Maundy is an old English word, derived from Latin, which means “command”. In this passage, Jesus washes the feet of His disciples. Ordinarily we would expect the disciples to wash the feet of Jesus, who is God the eternal Son, Creator and Sustainer of all things. Instead, Jesus washes[…]

TEXT: MATTHEW 4:1-25When Jesus was about to enter His national public ministry, at about the age of thirty, God the Holy Spirit led Him into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil (Matt.4:1). We should remember that God does not tempt anyone (Jam.1:13). Jesus spent forty days without eating; so, He was extremely hungry.[…]

Sin in whichever form is so great, embarrassing, hurtful, or shameful and if not repented can bring great destruction. Lent is a season to open up to the Lord and one another and receive assurance and forgiveness from Christ. Hidden sin hinders communication with God. The Psalmist states if I regard iniquity in my heart,[…]

The oxford Dictionary defines Confession as a formal statement of admitting that one is guilty of a crime. This is a hard task, telling God the exact wrong you did. By the time you communicate, it means that the Holy Spirit directly or indirectly has done the work of conviction in you. In Psalm 51:4[…]


The ACP Team is grateful to God for His faithfulness for the Cathedral Building project. We continue to execute phase 3 through Transition Works in small lots, despite the continuing effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on construction and financial sectors. The site remains under restricted access. It is our prayer that by the time the[…]

TEXT: 2 CHRONICLES 20:1-37At the time when Judah was about to be attacked by a combined enemy force, the families of Judah; little ones, children and wives called upon the Living God (v.13). That men, women, children; (infant, juvenile andgrown up) stood together in the presence of God.The parents in redeemed families focus the entire[…]

TEXT: JOSHUA 24:1-33Joshua challenged the children of Israel to choose who to serve; the Living God of the Bible or the gods of their fathers and gods of Amorites in whose land they were dwelling (v.15). After rejecting the true God, it is now an irony that the children of Israel are being asked to[…]

TEXT: PSALM 78:1-22In a redeemed family, parents teach their children about the wonders of God (v.4). Parents teach their children to trust the true God of the Bible; and must disciple their children to teach the generations after them (2 Tim. 2:2). Today, many parents have got an opportunity to teach their children in their[…]

TEXT: 1 THESSALONIANS 5:1-28Our God is God of order, therefore, you need to be orderly in your prayers. The Bible talks of morning and evening sacrifices in the Temple (Num. 28:3-4). Those times were appointed and written loadedly with meaning. In the New Testament, we are encouraged to pray all the time (v.17); unfortunately, many[…]