ACP Updates (Sunday 25th August 2019)

ACP Team is grateful for all your contributions to the project. We encourage you to continue to: Pray, Participate, Provide and (mobilise) Partners for this great work as you honour God. A. Financial Status: ACP Summary of collections for August 2019 A) Financial Status – Phase II Project cost: UGX 7,123,484,957 Less Payments to date:[…]

Praise God brethren! Last Sunday we shared on Understanding the Tithe drawn from Deut 12:5-6, Matt. 6:1-4 and Mal 3:6-12. The tithe was an offering in the Old testament of one’s agricultural income to the Lord as an expression of thanks and dedication (Lev. 27:30-34), It is holy and set apart as belonging to God.[…]

As we crown up the month of giving as Mission, the Lord is inviting us to test him by our obedience, (Mal. 3:10) he says through the Prophet Malachi, ”Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and test me if I will not open for you the[…]

Text: Psalm 139:1-24 It is natural for humans to want to keep secrets; our lives seem to be controlled by the shame of what is hidden. But you and I are called to something far better; to have our sins and souls exposed to the one who knows everything about us already, and yet know[…]

Text: Psalm 138:1-8 God is high and exalted, far above any so called “gods”. By knowing the one true God, He gives you confidence to shout to the nations that He alone is King! You may be seen by others as no one of significance, but our King loves to hear the so called lowly,[…]

Text: Psalm 137:1-9 The Babylonian captors of Israel wanted to be entertained by those in pain. As believers we must pray that the Lord causes us to be sensitive to the pain of others. Jesus said, “rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” This is an act of love and compassion, for[…]

Text: Psalm 136:1-26 Love changes everything. The most powerful truth that will change you is that the love of God for you is limitless and changeless. He has promised to love you from all eternity! No sin, no mistake, no social status; not even poverty can change that! Once you grasp that with a deep[…]

Text: Psalm 135:1-21 Why should you praise God? It brings pleasure not only to Him, but to you as well! Your worship should be an encouraging and exciting experience; He owns you and that is the best thing ever! We praise Him also for the grace that He gives to us in Christ; for by[…]

ACP Updates (Sunday 18th August 2019)

ACP Team is grateful for all your contributions to the project. We encourage you to continue to: Pray, Participate, Provide and (mobilise) Partners for this great work as you honour God. A. Financial Status: ACP Summary of collections for August 2019 A) Financial Status – Phase II Project cost: UGX 7,123,484,957 Less Payments to date:[…]

Praise the Lord! Last week, our Provost the Ven. Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye was the main expositor at the Alabaster Ladies Conference held at the Cathedral under the Theme: “Living at the Altar” (Rom 12:1-2). She stated that, living at the altar is a self-presentation/ a language of worship that requires constant dedication and[…]