As we crown up the month of giving as Mission, the Lord is inviting us to test him by our obedience, (Mal. 3:10) he says through the Prophet Malachi, ”Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and test me if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing, that there will not be room enough to receive it.” The Lord through the prophet Malachi, makes this bold statement to Israel and invites them to fully trust in the everlasting mercies of God, and his provision.

First of all, we bring the tithes in response to a need in the house of God. This is why it says, “that there may be food in my house…” The passage gives us an opportunity to respond to God’s needs.
When we respond to God’s needs, He will surely respond to ours.
The passage also challenges us to change our focus. Our focus must be on God’s house, rather than ourselves.
It is when we focus on the needs of the house of the Lord, that we bring the Lord to the test and He will address our needs.

This requires both faith and obedience. Our obedience to God, is not meant to be partial, we are meant to obey God in totality.
The windows of heaven is a symbol of God pouring out a blessing that cannot be contained, as a result of our faith and obedience. In (Isa.1:19) it says, “If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land…”
As we conclude the month of Giving, there is need to willingly give our lives and the resources God has entrusted to us so that his work will continue, for it is only in giving that we receive. (Acts.20:35).

Through this month, God is also inviting us to increase our opportunities in giving. Apart from giving our tithes, and offerings we can purpose to give financial support to a particular ministry, on a monthly basis or as need may arise.
Our giving of tithes, will unlock blessings that will “rebuke the devourer for your sake..” (Mal.3:11) and whatever we do, whatever we invest will not be destroyed, (vs.11b).
May God richly bless you all as you reflect on this message and as you seek his will through your obedience.

The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye

