The All Saints’ Cathedral Building Project [ACP] is a special project of the Cathedral. The current Sanctuary has been expanded three times in its life and now fills to capacity with an overflow of people occupying three large tents introduced on the Church compound over 20 years ago. The Cathedral project has lasted over 15[…]
Text: Ezekiel 36:1-38 The nation of Israel sinned against Yahweh, and He sent discipline and suffering to them. But because the surrounding nations were cruel against Israel, Yahweh now promises suffering to the enemies. And then, once again, Yahweh will bless His people Israel. Yahweh delivers his people from their enemies, and He delivers them[…]
Text: Ezekiel 35:1-15. Mount Seir is the region southeast of Israel, also known as Edom, which was the territory of the descendants of Esau, brother of Jacob/Israel. The Edomites were always hostile to Israel because of the way Jacob deceitfully took away Esau’s blessing (Gen.27). When Israel’s condemnation came from God, Edom somehow contributed (v.5),[…]
Text: Ezekiel 34:1-31. The Shepherds of Israel are leaders, especially the kings, but it includes anyone who is in authority. The work of a rural shepherd implies serious, but tender, concern for the well-being of the sheep. He especially guards against them wandering away. But Israel’s shepherds almost always served themselves. These spiritual shepherds did[…]
Text: Ezekiel 33:1-33. In ancient times, certain men would stand on the wall of a city and watch for anyone approaching. If it was any enemy, the watchman would blow a trumpet to warn the citizens. Ezekiel was to do that for the nation of Israel. Their continued drift away from Yahweh was going to[…]
Text: Ezekiel 32:1-32 In verse 2 we read of how Pharaoh sees himself as a lion among the nations, thinking he is the greatest. But Yahweh will send other nations against him, capture him, and destroy him. In the second half of the Chapter many nations are listed, all fallen, all destroyed. Egypt will be[…]
Text: Ezekiel 31:1-18. We have another warning against pride in this Chapter. Yahweh warns Egypt by giving the example of the kingdom of Assyria. It was a great empire, like a huge, beautiful cedar tree, under which all the nations found protection. But because of their pride (v.10) Yahweh destroyed them. Verse 18 is the[…]
Text: Ezekiel 30:1-26 The grief we read of in this chapter is similar to that of Chapter 27, God’s lament over the fall of Egypt. Egypt, like all humanity, knew Yahweh existed (Rom.1:20-21), but they served hundreds of so-called gods. Egypt was a nation that would not serve Yahweh, who is the only true and[…]
Phase 3 of the project includes civil works finishes, closures, fittings, equipment Installations and furnishing. During this year 2020, we will focus on the Sanctuary interiors and associated building services. In 2021, the Sanctuary Exteriors, Bell Tower and Offices (lower ground) will be done. Furnishing and Equipment installations may be achieved at any time, as[…]
Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour – Amen. On 23 rd February 2020, all the three Services at the Cathedral appreciated and thanked the outgoing Archbishop of the Church of Uganda and at the same time Diocesan Bishop for the commendable Ministry, Service and love he had shown to the Diocese at[…]