Text: Matthew 7:1-11The Bible encourages us to be persistent in prayer (v.7). Many people do not pursue God; they try a few times in prayer and then they give up, claiming that God does not answer prayers. Let us trust God’s Word for it is God’s will for us! Our hero and good example at[…]

Text: Matthew 6:1-34We have only one Master, God the Creator of heaven and earth, the Creator of the seen and unseen. He created everything from nothing. So only God deserves our worship. However, because of the materialistic environment in our land, we tend to serve other material things like money. Money has become master for[…]

Text: Matthew 5:1-16 In Christ, there is no darkness. Therefore if you are in Him, let your light shine before others so that your good works glorify God (v.16). Remember good works cannot save you nor contribute to your salvation. You receive salvation through faith alone in Christ (Eph.2:8-9). In your daily chores and walk[…]

Text: Haggai 2:1-23After the people of Judah finished their seventy years of exile, because of idolatry, Yahweh returned them to their homeland. Soon they started to rebuild the Temple, the centre of Israel’s life and worship. But the enthusiasm did not last, and the construction ceased. Yahweh sent His prophets Haggai and Zechariah to encourage[…]

Text: Ecclesiastes 11:1-10Every believer should acknowledge that success is in the hand of God. But weshould also acknowledge the necessity of hard work. A person should never say:“since God is the One who provides everything, I do not need to work; I will just wait.” Thinking like that would be like saying, God provides babies,[…]

Text: Ecclesiastes 9:1-18In this book that sees so much of common life as being futile, verse 10 seems like a contradiction. If the things we do are futile, then should we not do things with very little effort and interest? But the writer tells us the exact opposite – do all your work with all[…]

Text: Proverbs 31:19-22We have already read in this chapter of proverbs how the wife of noble character provides for her family, which is the proper thing to do (cf., 1 Tim.5:8), and no one would argue against that. But the verses for today also teach us about care for needy persons who are not part[…]

Text: Proverbs 31:16-18Madam Excellence shows wisdom when she handles money for business.In the buying of a field, she does not simply rush into property ownership.She considers it; meaning she wants to be sure that the property will serve the interests of the family and provide a good financial return, in this case a vineyard. The[…]


Shalom Brethren! Last Sunday’s topic was; ‘The works of the flesh [Romans 8:5-8, Gal 5: 16-21]’ there are three enemies that every child of God has to deal with; these include: lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life. The flesh is the sinful nature or old man]. It’s not the[…]

Today 9th May 2021 marks the 75th Anniversary of the existence of the United Bible Societies fellowship since her inauguration in 1945. UBS is a Global umbrella with a presence of Bible Societies in over 200 countries and territories. For over 140 years, less than 10 National Bible Societies existed with the objective of making[…]