Today 9th May 2021 marks the 75th Anniversary of the existence of the United Bible Societies fellowship since her inauguration in 1945. UBS is a Global umbrella with a presence of Bible Societies in over 200 countries and territories. For over 140 years, less than 10 National Bible Societies existed with the objective of making the Bible Available, Accessible and Affordable.

This was in pursuance of a response to the cries of an illiterate, a poor and Bibleless Welsh 10 year old girl – Mary Jones! She was born in Wales to a very poor family without an opportunity to go to school. Her parents who were God-loving went to Church every Sunday and shared with their daughter what had been read from the Bible. Mary Jones liked the narratives about Jesus, David, Mary and other Bible characters.She was fascinated by them and loved the Bible.

Unfortunately, her parents were too poor to afford one. Bibles wereout of reach for the majority of people. They were scarce and expensive and only the very rich could afford. For example, there was only one farming family in the whole of Mary Jones’ village with a Bible! but it was situated just a few hundred meters from her home.

Mary’s love for the Bible caused her to request her parents to find employment for
her in the neighborhood, so that she can acquire a Bible. Fortunately they did and
she worked for six years, taking care of poultry. At the age of 16 she had got the money and embarked on a journey to purchase the Bible. On arrival, she found that all
the Bibles at the shop were already paid for, a statement that shocked her and she
wailed uncontrollably. The dealer had no option but to give her one of those already
bought but waiting collection by the owners.Mary and her parents were overjoyed.

No sooner had she left than the owner of the Bible she was given arrived and
picked a bitter quarrel with the dealer. After some time, they got into a mutual
discussion about the solution to the scarcity of Bibles. They did not want a repeat of the plight of Mary Jones. Finally the two, resolved to pull their savings together and in addition, approached other influential Christians like Sir William Wilberforce, a parliamentarian involved in stopping slave trade in East Africa.

They shared him the Mary Jones story.In response he was moved and gave his savings to the two gentlemen.Later this funds were added on and accumulated into a fund that led to the British And Foreign Bible Society found in 1804.

Its main objectives was to translate, print and distribute the Bible. It was to be translated into languages people best understand, printed and then taken to the people and sell it to them at affordable prices.Substancial amounts of funds were needed but subsidized to such a level that even the poorest person can afford. From then, there has been a worldwide impact. Bible Society therefore calls upon you to Join and progress this mission in Uganda! God bless you!

Simon Peter Mukhama, General Secretary, Tel: +256772443204,

