Text: Proverbs 25:1-28Honey is good and is medicinal, but eating too much of it is bad for your health (v.27). A life style disease like diabetes is on the increase as a result of things we eat and the sedentary life style we are living.Therefore to honour God with our bodies, we need to watch[…]

Text: Proverbs 20:1-30Wine is a mocker and any strong drink is a brawler (v. 1). Wine rages inthe body as it rages in the conscience. It makes one look like a fool orsometimes like a madman. It has rendered many to be unfit in society.It weakens the body making it susceptible to diseases. It leads[…]

Text: Proverbs 12:1-28While anxiety in your heart weighs you down, the Word of God brings healing to it (v.25). Once you are glad, your body is relaxed and stress is taken away. A stress-free body promotes good health. A healthy body that embraces Christ produces wholeness. Meditate on verse 25. What is God teaching you[…]

Text: Proverbs 4: 1-27If you listen attentively and apply the Word of God and meditate on it in your heart, it brings healing to your flesh (vv.20-22). If the Word of God is in your heart, you will not sin against Him. It is in sinning that in most cases our bodies are destroyed, resulting[…]

Text: Proverbs 3: 1-12If you fear the Lord and turn away from evil, your body will be healed and refreshed (vv.7-8). Do not rely on your wisdom and understanding, depend on God’s revelation and move away from evil. There are evil practices that hurt our bodies and bring about poor health. It is only in[…]

Text: Psalm 147:1-20Many things break our hearts; relationships, diseases, poverty and jobs. However, the Lord heals them all (v.3). He binds our wounds. We are wounded people and we yearn for healing. The healer is our God through His Son, Jesus Christ. Meditate on verse 3. What is God teaching you in this verse?My heavenly[…]

Text: Psalm 119:137-144The Bible encourages us that when we are in trouble and anguished, God’s commandments, meaning His Word comforts us! (v.143). Without comfort from the Word of God the challenges of life can overwhelm us and cause us to acquire diseases like diabetes hypertension and cancers. Jesus calls those who are troubled and are[…]

Text: Psalm 119:89-96If you want good life, meaning good health, obey God’s Word (v.93).Forgetting, means disobedience. Study and apply God’s Word in your life. If you obey God’s Word, then you will not live a reckless life. You will neither eat nor drink things that will cause your body to degenerate. Meditate on verse 93.[…]

Text: Psalm 34:1-22God cares for His faithful (v.18). He is near to those who are broken hearted and He rescues those who are crushed in the spirit. To them God is willing to heal and give good health. Jesus Christ said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Mat.[…]

Text: Psalm 6:1-10When you are suffering, both, physically and spiritually, it is only God who can heal you and take away pain from your bones (v.2). Our God is Jehovah Rapha (The Lord who heals) (Exod. 15:26). He restores or heals the emotional and physical needs of the people. (Jer. 30:17; 3:22; Isa 30:26; 61:1;[…]