Text: Luke 17:1-19Your faith in Christ will heal both; your soul and body (v.19). Trust in Jesus Christ, He will re-establish your health and it will be a testimony tomany others.Meditate on verse 19. What is God teaching you in this verse?Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for the many who are[…]

Text: Luke 9:51-62.Jesus and His disciples would walk long distances (v.57). They may not have intended to exercise in this way, but the walking kept them fit.Walking or any other exercise is good for our bodies. It keeps our bodiesactive and healthy. Be deliberate in regular exercise. Jesus Christ did so!Meditate on verse 57. How[…]

Text: Matthew 11:25-30Jesus Christ is calling the weak and burdened so that He renews theirstrength and hope (vv.28-29). Once your spirit is renewed, and burdens removed, your mind and body are renewed and good health established.Only Christ can renew your strength because His Yoke is easy as it comes from a Person who is Gentle[…]

Text: Daniel 1: 8-21Daniel and his friends resolved to eat natural foods and not to defile themselves with the King’s food (v.12). Daniel and his friends at the end of the period stipulated, emerged healthier on a diet of natural foods (v.15). For good health, avoid refined food which is easily available everywhere and go[…]

Text: Jeremiah 33:1-26The Lord promises His children, not because Judah has changed their ways, but because God has graciously taken that decision. The Lord will indeed heal us not because we are obedient to Him but because He is merciful. God will not only heal us, but He also promises us prosperity and security (v.6).[…]

Text: Isaiah 58:1-14It is only God who can bless you with good health for you to be productive (v.11) as a watered garden. Only Christ can give you good health to do all things (Phil. 1:4-23) Meditate on verse 11. What is God teaching you in this verse? Father, in the name of Jesus Christ,[…]

Text: Isaiah 53:1-12 Because of sin our bodies are born weak and susceptible to disease and death. But in Christ the penalty was paid for and the effects of sin was removed (v.5). Death is no longer a threat to those in Christ (1 Cor. 15:26). The body is weak and destined to die, but[…]

Text: Isaiah 40:1-31God gives energy to the faint, He renews the strength of those who wait on Him (vv.29-31). If you wait or linger in the Lord’s presence, knowing that He will act, your energy is renewed and your health established. Once your mind is renewed, then your body is renewed as well and functions[…]

Text: Proverbs 25:1-28Honey is good and is medicinal, but eating too much of it is bad for your health (v.27). A life style disease like diabetes is on the increase as a result of things we eat and the sedentary life style we are living.Therefore to honour God with our bodies, we need to watch[…]

Text: Proverbs 20:1-30Wine is a mocker and any strong drink is a brawler (v. 1). Wine rages inthe body as it rages in the conscience. It makes one look like a fool orsometimes like a madman. It has rendered many to be unfit in society.It weakens the body making it susceptible to diseases. It leads[…]